Nope, but as with so many discussions of this nature, this question misses the nuance of why women’s sports exist.
Nope, but as with so many discussions of this nature, this question misses the nuance of why women’s sports exist.
Hey fellow Montanan! Check out Big Sky Rail Authority’s arguments for implementing a southern passanger rail service, or think of the benefits of increased bus service connecting the larger Montana cities. We have main travel corridors across the state that could be greatly improved by a public transportation network, linking rural communities and connecting them to larger city centers. Combine that with local bus service, walkable communities, and biking infrastructure in places where it can be supported like Missoula, Bozeman, Billings, etc can improve traffic and livability of the towns. Also, think of the improvement to traffic conditions for people coming into town from surrounding rural communities if you can divert a good portion of traffic to public options. In a rural state like ours, there’s always going to be some need for personal vehicles, but there’s still lots of places where having more public transportation options could improve our communities and lessen our climate impacts. Sure, it’s going to look different than in other parts of the country, but still a lot of room for improvement around here.
You are misgendering her.
Didn’t see the NPR article, but this absolutely rings true to me. I live in a blue city in a red state. We were littered by Green Party ads for the primaries that were funded by right wing groups. I wouldn’t say that the far left and far right are working together, but the right is for sure posing as leftist in local outlets and actively encouranging the left’s tendency to eat their own.
Cool story, bro. How do you propose to do that? You got a magic wand? How many of those ballot initiatives failed this time around?