Could be George Harrison
Could be George Harrison
Yes, there’s hope. Stop driving a car.
Much of that government subsidies. AKA social programs for nepo / trust fund babies.
If that’s true, that’s impressive. Kudos with Steam being ahead of the game.
It’s Rockstar Games, they love microtransactions and Sharkcards and will more than likely implement more greed tactics into their next big game (GTA 6). I’m still pissed off over the bilking they did with the bunker series in GTA 5. They’re a ruthless, greedy company. And don’t forget those times they went after those fanboys/talented game designers who were revamping their old games like GTA 4. Those kids were super talented and Rockstar busted their asses like the mobsters they are. Fuck Rockstar and their next GTA greed fest.
He’s one smug mother fucker.
Don’t forget Elon Musk is a big fan of the game franchise Deux Ex. And that’s an insanely distopian future. That’s the kind of dark hellish world that whiny little manchild wants.
Every time I see this cow picture, I’m always reminded of Pink Floyd.
Koch Industries is pretty much the main reason why I boycott the entire United States of America. They are the absolute pinnacle of evil in this world. Spectacular evil scum that company is.
Rockstar Games ALWAYS makes the greatest online shitshow IMO.
Gee, I sure hope Israel doesn’t start launching nukes.