As to why, sure it’s patriarchy, but they keep putting out duds and using it essentially say “audiences don’t want female-led content”…
You’ve answered you’re own question - they put it out there so they can say they tried, people didn’t like it, so we’ll continue as we were, with them (patriarchal entertainment execs and the patriarchal capitalists who fund them) maintaining their positions.
And also, the burden of the constant demand to teach people about your lived experience, even though thousands of others who share it have already wilfully taken the time to document it extensively. We’re not talking about individual experiences, but about well establish and deep rooted systemic oppression.
At the end of the day, expecting marginalised people, especially random ones you “happen upon” (would they even be asking if I wasn’t here?), to be the ones constantly doing the work is an unearned entitlement that comes with privilege, and what those with that privilege should be doing instead is using it to lessen the burden on marginalised people, not increase it. Step one is learning to invest their own time and energy instead of demanding or even just expecting it from others.