@produnis What the! We’re already at bash 5? Last time I looked at the specs it was bash 3! Guess there are a lot of yummies in there!
Random #HAProxy tips.
Support engineer.
Music Addict, éclectique mais exigeant.
Fan de SF et Manga.
Life goal achieved: Working for a Free Software company
#actuallyAutistic (diagnosed) #RQTH
J’ai abandonné l’idée de suivre mes demandes d’abonnement, dites moi pourquoi vous voulez me suivre en DM
TRÈS N’AMOUREUX d’une métalleuse
“Tu as beaucoup de chance” — @LaKorin
“Irrécupérable” — @devnull
Please CW alcohol
@produnis What the! We’re already at bash 5? Last time I looked at the specs it was bash 3! Guess there are a lot of yummies in there!
@stoy @sono 😱
I have a system that backs up every machine on my network to an 8TB RAID1 with a week of history, and that is then pushed to a harddrive a friend is hosting for me… OK that might be a bit extreme, but the technology is there, and I have at least one friend!
Also DigiKam is great.