Bully Joel
Fatboy Slime
Fire Straits
Feetwood Mac
Bully Joel
Fatboy Slime
Fire Straits
Feetwood Mac
Of they’re old enough to figure that out then who cares?
Further, it’s 50% of the people in the swing states that really decide things. I’m sure most New Yorkers and Californians that didn’t vote did so because they knew their state would go blue regardless.
There’s a set up but no punchline, have the panels gone missing??
It gets compacted in the garbage truck and compacted some more at the landfill. I think the odds are slim it could be found in one piece
Just as Putin planned
My local library also offers a thermal camera rental! I’ve borrowed one several times, it’s very useful!
They want you alive as long as it’s profitable
She hates it lol. She goes by Sherry
A man named Harold named his daughter after himself. Her name is Sharold.
TIL there are posts too shitty for shitposting
“Otherwise, maybe don’t use this question because you’re probably just going to learn how well the applicant can brown nose. There are plenty of interview questions to choose from that might yield useful data.”
The comic is about this specific question, so all else being equal, if I have to choose between someone that responds like you did and someone with any hint of friendliness, then I know who I would rather work with…
It’s a given you want money. The question is why this job vs another? If you don’t stand out from the 100 other applicants then they’ll take whoever will accept the lowest pay or whoever has the most charm.
If you come off as desperate then they might try to lowball you
Slay the Spire
"Hold still, please. " he croaks as he hole punches the forehead.
Another instance of privatized profits and socialized losses. “We collected sensitive data for profit but protecting it and dealing with the fallout is too expensive so it’s everyone’s problem now, bye!”
Freeze your credit if you haven’t already!
I remember 2008. McCain vs Obama. I preferred Obama but honestly I wouldn’t have minded too much if McCain won, it was just Sarah Palin that was crazy.
Contrast that with Jan 6th, 2021. The loser of the election incited a riot and attack on the US capitol and democracy. This individual is running again.
There’s usually a point in hobbies where you can find a great price/enjoyment point. Until you want to go deeper down the rabbit hole
Yeah like maybe programmers can relate with DBAs which can relate with System Admins but they’re all pretty different