I just want to know who the fuck let Trump watch Canadian Bacon.
I just want to know who the fuck let Trump watch Canadian Bacon.
What better way to celebrate after a hard day authoring such a great bill to make this country great than fucking an underage prostitute! Right? Right? Guys, right?
Read the news? We are the news! You can’t handle the real news! - AP
You signed up for a job where you have to make tough maybe life-threatening decisions. You take an oath to serve and protect. You wear a bulletproof vest that is also stab and slash-resistant. You respond to a call, the woman is mental and won’t talk and she is holding an infant. She picks up a knife and advances on you. Do you close the gap and try to disarm her knowing your core vital areas are relatively safe from the knife and she has a child in her other hand? Nope, you might get cut. So, instead, you just smoke her and the kid.
I think you all took the bait. Now, while they dismantle free speech and complete the police state, you will still be reporting about the completely bat shit crazy and unrealistic Greenland bullshit. Good job.
Don’t worry both sides are not the same though so you can take that to the bank, not the same bank that the democrats are cashing their corporate checks in though because that would be unseemly.
I am only half kidding, maybe a quarter kidding.
Now you got me thinking maybe you do need a John “Hannibal” Smith to suss this one out lol if I am wrong I will quit drinking lol I quit drinking 4 years ago but I will quit again that’s how sure I am lol
You’re lucky, this is the 8th time lab-grown meat has killed my mother. I hope you got better.
This. My guess is they will use about 20 days of it to regroup and bring in new meat and materials. Then they will start probing Ukrainian lines with little skirmishes in the hopes Ukraine shoots back. When they shoot back Moscow will cry out “They broke the ceasefire!” And the war is back on the menu boys. The traitors in Washington will stop giving the out-of-date intel they will be giving during the ceasefire and cry about how Ukraine can’t be trusted because it broke the ceasefire.
It doesn’t take a John “Hannibal” Smith to suss out this one.
Lab-grown meat killed my mom…true story, lab-grown meat broke into her house and stabbed her 957 times with a fork.
Traitors, you forgot, traitors.
With these shit heals, it’s always the last guy’s fault in their first term, and it’s always the new guy’s fault after they get replaced. They are liars, cheats, and hypocrites who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire if they didn’t get paid, and even then, they are more likely to pocket the money and let you burn.
The best thing Ukraine can do is walk away.
Edit: changed think to thing
And now the party should primary him…too bad the party is a feckless shell of bullshit wrapped around a bunch of greedy little piggies.
Thank God they aren’t vaccinated. Could you imagine if they had measles and vaccination side effects? By golly, these kids are lucky, I tell you what.
I have spent my entire adult life fighting this special brand of stupidity and hate here in Texas. I am tired, frustrated, angry, heartbroken, and more and more disillusioned in the core populous of my state. I will keep fighting these pitched battles in this rigged war in the hope that one day we can cast off this yoke of hate and greed that has dragged Texas so far down into the mud.
Hi ho
Here I am again pissing in the wind and wondering why I’m covered in piss.
Oh, it’s not just one fascist dick, this dude sucks any fascist dick he can put in his mouth. So I would say it’s probably 50/50 lol
“A former campaign staffer said Professional Fascist Dick Sucker Sen. John Fetterman’s single-minded focus on sucking fascist dick came at the exclusion of the progressive positions he ran on in favor of sucking fascist dick.” FTFY
“When the SS…I mean FBI come it’s best to just let them take you. No need to fight it, they just want to talk. I’m sure no one will end up in the concen…I mean holding facilities for long, we will shoo…I mean process them quickly.” - Kash “I suck fascist dick” Patel
Jokes on jokes that’s the clown world we live in I guess. Though I am feeling pretty cynical today so maybe it’s not that bad lol.
Too bad the rest of the Democrats can’t hear them with all that money stuffed in their ears.