That cherry Mx keyboard is pretty cash yo
That cherry Mx keyboard is pretty cash yo
We need to start a trump lettuce stream!
It’s in my fed
68.1% of US citizens are bloody idiots.
Man am I glad i left that honey-boo-boo-moderated shit show
Well that is just fucking amazing
“I’m not dead! Stop this thing! What’s going on?! AAAAAHHHH!”
Hey, it’s ok. You’re in a safe place now.
Hey look, the cancer is dying of itself…
Consume the well-to-do
Could probably use water balloons to a similar effect if you can figure out how to fill them with the sandy paint
I will never forget my fil happily telling the family he saw some great tits in the garden that morning.
A good laugh was had
What’s not covered is the 25 years of R&D in advance of waterfall project starting, or that it’s delivered 200% over time and cost due to those requirements being insufficient and based on assumptions that were never or are no longer true.
That little thing looks like they had a good fuckin’ sleep. I think it’s official. 24,000 years is the correct amount of sleep to be getting.
Only because he’s too short to reach Trump’s arsehole
Haha I remember watching that as a kid thinking it was regular anime and being like “uh… Wat the fluff is this? Why is that gentleman in the nude? Why is that lady showing her boobies?”
Do you not have the ability to take a vote of no confidence in the US? Or are you.just stuck with it for 4 years and he can do whatever?