Oh boy I’m sorry I’m the one to have to break it to you, but the bar could be a lot lower
Oh boy I’m sorry I’m the one to have to break it to you, but the bar could be a lot lower
Back in '41, the nazis had the Russians on the back foot. Killing them by the millions. Did the Russians give up their country? Did they complain they had to conscript students?
Fuck no
They conscripted basically everybody. They pleaded the US for weapons and got them so they could make their sacrifice count.
They turned the tide, freed their country and beat the invaders back to the point their leader chose to off himself rather than face their wrath.
Now you’re saying the Ukrainians should surrender because none of it matters??
Encirclement by what? Countries that don’t like to suck off Russia anymore?
Maybe Russia should act less like an authoritarian mafia state and then its neighbours wouln’t turn away from it. Food for thought
Well your best bet for that to happen is Ukraine crushing Putin’s balls. As long as he has the full support of the nationalists the proletariat can eat bark
Are the high ranking officials in the room with us now
“Read your own sources plz” - > “racist debate pervert!” this is fantastic
You believe Hitler attacked the nazi’s in Russia?
No reason?
Do you have any idea how many people Russia sacrificed to repel the Germans? Do you think the world would be better had they just followed your advice?
So if a bigger country conscripts their people to invade you you should checks notes take the moral high road, get overrun and surrender as soon as possible
You should really read the article you cited from then. There’s no need to restrict your scope to the US or Cuba, unless you are being disingenious
Do you believe the Russian soldiers are volunteers?
Why do you think Ukrainians don’t want to defend their country?
If you suggest they better surrender asap because Russia has a bigger army, who do you think should be next?
They’ll slow their offensive to match. But every invader they can kill, every tank they destroy is one the next guys won’t have to fight.
As your quote shows the article you’re citing from doesn’t only look at peoples’ views of the war in Ukraine, but shows a big divide between progressive and conservative nations. Eg. the majority in SE Asia, the Middle East and Africa doesn’t care as much for Putin invading Ukraine as they do for him stomping on the gays and progressives.
Sadly, conservatives outnumber progressives globally.
But why post it when you think it’s a shit paper
Have you even read these?
Just one example:
Nearly half (46%) globally said that the European Union, United States and Nato were doing too little to assist Ukraine, while 11% said they are doing too much
I’d say they’re doing much better than you hoped
“You and I know what is happening in Donbass,” referring to the conflict zone in the east of the country, adding that: “It certainly looks like genocide.”
Putin has previously made similar comparisons about the war in eastern Ukraine including in 2015 and 2019.
Well that’s just because you don’t checks notes come from a heavy kink community background