how would your reputation carry over when nobody in the universe knows who you are? it sounds like you’re just inventing a new thing you have to grind
how would your reputation carry over when nobody in the universe knows who you are? it sounds like you’re just inventing a new thing you have to grind
if RPGs have done this plenty of times, then it’s not a new idea, and why are we talking about it in the context of the new ideas starfield had?
people replay games for the gameplay. bethesda wanted a game you could replay for the story, and then have it still work as a story when the player deliberately sequence breaks everything because of their omniscience
i know but i’m roleplaying a semi-informed fan
i think it’s fair to say that at least a portion of bethesda’s reputation is built off that game
I don’t even mean I wouldn’t trust Obsidian. I mean I wouldn’t trust the specific team they had working on New Vegas, which was an absurdly stacked deck that they seemingly haven’t been able to re-create since.
Films you can re-watch twice and have it be just as good the second time are rare. Bethesda wanted a film you could rewatch ten times while simultaneously larping as a cosmic god and trying to break everything you could.
Dark Souls lore seems deeper than it is because it’s less coherently presented than in TES.
All the new ideas in Starfield fall into one of two categories:
The Bethesda response to fans saying their main storyline was trash was to make a game where the main storyline is the primary focus and draw of the game? That’s a bold move.
The NG+ stuff is a cool idea, but again, Bethesda just fundamentally lacks the talent to implement it. You can’t hit what they were aiming for with a handful of gimmicks. I wouldn’t even trust the team behind New Vegas, or whoever writes at Larian, to do it justice.
It feels like Skyrim was the game they’d (and by they I mean Todd) always wanted to make, and Skyrim was the first time they had the resources and technology available to make it more or less exactly as they envisaged.
Fallout 4 probably would’ve been in the exact same situation of the technology finally catching up to their ideas, except they completely botched the landing by adding in voiced characters.
From my own sources: Taylor is indeed done, and not just on Twitch.
it’s a level 2 meme
meme 1
meme 2
less of a meme, more a video that surfaced of a police officer trying to execute a handcuffed man because an acorn fell on the roof of his car and he thought it was a gunshot and later had to resign
meme 1 + 2
taylor swift in private jet drop acorn out of window, land on police car roof, scare police, lead to bodycam video
you can e2e encrypt emails though?
every company has shareholders, including larian studios
you can’t set up a company without specifying shareholders
but when is the exact point of “how they were” when 4000 years of erosion has already taken place?
historical conservation isn’t really this cut and dry
sometimes it’s better to restore things, or to do work to prevent them degrading further
if you’re just going to take us back in circles again this discussion is a bit pointless, isn’t it?
if you aren’t refusing to acknowledge they’re ux problems, you’re saying it’s unhelpful to call them what they are, which is obviously nonsense
and again, sane defaults are ux
or i could argue that an issue 90% of people will run into is a higher priority than one 2% of people will run into
or i could argue than the risk of accidentally opening something you didn’t want to is higher than the risk of losing unsaved work
the reason foss sucks when it comes to ux is this attitude of insisting that ux problems are somehow some “other” category of problem, rather than an engineering constraint that needs to be designed around like every other one
case in point, for some reason you’re still refusing to acknowledge that they’re both ux problems. and if you do, your original reply ceases to even make sense.
yet very different
which is why my first words to you were “it is and it isn’t”
binning them into the same category is not helpful
both are caused by people in the foss space not paying enough attention to ux
increased attention to ux could solve both
personally i think categorising all work solely through the lens of severity is unhelpful
Single/double click behavior is a matter of preference.
And defaulting to the preference that most people prefer or are used to is a matter of UX.
Which is why I say they’re both UX decisions.
ahem actually people only need to exist and survive until they work themselves to death getting tangled in the gears of my spinning jennys