With state taxes, my top tax rate is above 40 percent. Are we counting healthcare and social security as taxes too? Where’s muh proper country?!
With state taxes, my top tax rate is above 40 percent. Are we counting healthcare and social security as taxes too? Where’s muh proper country?!
Hard agree. I’ve found the dnd ChatGPT bot to be somewhat helpful here… but even this thing keeps defaulting me back to the 5e version.
We were early on, but largely haven’t had any real issues. The worst part has been trying to google clarity on rules and getting the 5e rules instead of 2024.
This comment makes me want to drive out to Salmon Idaho and buy a custom leather coat.
Anyone have any details on why the airships were problematic?
Just get hush puppies!
So, I’m an amateur… but this was confusing to me. I setup the board as you instructed and tried to play it out. You’re right. The way you described it is impossible…
So! I grabbed a pdf of the book you’re talking about and you missed the first two steps of the solution.
Solution is as follows: (White trading rooks is a winning position with the pawn so far up field)
Next is where your part of the solution comes in… where it discusses that white should move the king farther up the board instead of the tempting Ke6 position. (Because Ke6 would allow the Black king to take the pawn and open the door for the black pawn to become a queen or a draw)
Just realized that you beat me to replying to the parent comment with a similar sentiment!
Change happens, but my genuine appreciation of her never went away.
Now, I’ve been married well over a decade… and still… the best feeling is the time I spend hugging her in the morning.
We have ups and downs, lulls and adventures. Life’s not all beer and skittles. But, I don’t agree that it becomes mundane.
It’s not technically retro but I’ve found Pico-8 a great way to build retro like games! It’s pretends to be a console of a bygone era and gives a bunch of restrictions on size of game and 128x128 resolution.
The app comes with a pixel editor, sfx and music editor, and a code editor built in. The games are easy to share and you can play them on a mobile browser. On the downside, it costs 15 dollars for the app.
Holy crap! That’s nuts! Hopefully they come back down for you
Has the price gone up? I bought one for each family member a couple years ago when they were getting rid of old stock. They were pretty cheap at the time. What’s the going rate?
The author calls it satire…. but it seems more like they’re genuinely upset about the quality of these minis.
Is this like when kids say something scathing and end it with “just kidding”?
Playing the windows version on Linux doesn’t really support Microsoft. It’s not like on the consoles where they get a cut of the sales. Even playing directly on windows isn’t that terrible. I don’t remember the last time I purchased a copy of windows. I’ve been using the same key for like 15 years now
Company currently uses IPv6! For awhile firewall rules kept biting us as we’d realize something worked in ipv4 but not IPv6 but now I forget it’s even a thing really.
I once paid for a vpc host that was exclusively IPv6 and was shocked how many things broke. I was using it for a discord bot and the discord api didn’t even properly support IPv6 …
Team America?!
Is this the plot to beetlejuice 2?
What’s it like being a monster?
Yes! I also have the rice cooker. Probably the two most used kitchen gadgets I have!
If you’re using a roomba, the app will typically tell you when to replace your brushes and filter. The filter you can find easy replacements for as well as the little spinning brush. The bigger brushes are harder. You can buy replacements from third party vendors for cheap, but they’re not perfect… and if you have carpeting the roomba will freak out until the third party brushes wear down a bit. After that happens, everything mostly works.
I usually clean out the roomba every week and replace the brushes every 4 months or so. I run mine nightly though (I have kids).