Super Mario Bros. 3 - NES
Super Mario Bros. 3 - NES
The Legend of Zelda - NES
The caves are alive and have developed a taste for poor John. They yearn to feed, and their howls sound through the night like gusts of wind through the trees.
John knows the hopelessness of inevitability. Some day, they will find him. Some day, he will wake up deep in the bowels of the caves, and his cries will add to the howls of the caves on the wind.
It is a great deal of fun and tremendously addictive.
It really does, and there are always some loose dissapear into the weave over the course of a campaign, but there is a huge high from pulling years of work into a final epic encounter and conclusion.
Plus, the debrief at the end where players can ask all the questions about loot they missed and which characters were actually doppelgangers is always fun.
I recently joined a second game with a different group as a player, so I still get my individual play time. Some of my players will also likely run one shots or small adventures in the interim while I do the next campaign prep, but they are adamant that they don’t want to run any long form stories.
I can relate to that so much. Switching gears from GM to player is a real struggle for me at times.
The way the party kind of adopted the recurring mini BBEG. He was designed to be a recurring villain , showing up near the end of act 1, and was supposed to be the final boss in act two.
He had done some truly vile things to various members of the party, but apologized for them each time, spoke to them as equals, and was overall a fairly amicable person, at least if you can discount the kidnapping and torture on one players father, and the murders of another character’s entire tribe.
Late in act 2, they discovered that he was under a compulsion to serve the whims of the big bad, and I had assumed it was going to lead to a confrontation where they killed him, then went after the BBEG. Instead, they went on a whole redemption arc for the mini BBEG, found a way to break his compulsion, and went on a long quest to free him from the control of the BBEG.
It was kinda inspiring, again except for the multiple murders and other truly vile things this guy did. It was certainly not the outcome I was expecting in a campaign specifically bent to focus on moral grey areas.
I am something of an over planner, but it took me probably 40 hours to get the themes and major plot points nailed down for all three acts. Then, probably another 40 to flesh out act 1 to the point I was ready to bring the players into the sandbox.
For the first year, I was then spending about 3 hours of prep time per session to tie in all the character backgrounds and weave them into the narrative. After the first year, it was down to probably an hour of prep per session unless they were about to transition between acts, or a major character story was happening.
This was my immediate thought.
*this is not a medical diagnosis and the person posting this recommends seeking the opinion of a medical professional.
Exactly. No fuss, and no muss. Be direct, but tactful. The more obfuscated you make this conversation, the more awkward it’s going to be.
That is really cool and slightly terrifying.
Usually play guitar, play around in blender, or code. It sounds backward, but boredom does wonders for my creative side.
I like the symmetry of “your cock my glock” better.
It’s hard to overstate how important the film is to cinema. It pretty much established what the modern movie is.
That said, based strictly off of entertainment value. IMO it is just absolutely terrible.
No need to apologize to me dude. If you are that age and still feel like sex is the peak of your life’s achievement, then I am happy for you.
In fairness, I really like onion rings.
Depends on your age bracket, in my opinion.
At 20, it’s like catching the game winning touchdown for the national championship when your team was the underdog.
At 40, it’s like winning a hundred bucks on a lottery scratcher.
At 50, it’s like getting a free order of onion rings with your meal.
At 60, it’s like getting an extra nugget in your 9 piece.
I bought a refurbished litter robot about a year ago, and was initially aghast at myself for spending that kind of money for it, but now I am convinced it was worth the price.
It has made one of IMO the worst parts of cat ownership significantly easier, with the upside of being better for the cats as well.
Even with the high price I would recommend.
Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and Footloose are probably my favorites of all time. It’s really hard to find soundtracks with a better collection of absolutely amazing songs imo.