I finished Final Fantasy III. This one had a weird bug for me, where the game wouldn’t start and stop my mouse from working on my main monitor, when a Stream or Video was playing on my second screen. Never had this with any other game and took a bit to figure it out.
Then more Final Doom TNT: Evilution on the Doom + Doom II port. The second half is definitely a step-up in difficulty, and three levels took me a while to beat. Level 16 had a nasty start, that I had to replay for a while, and not much ammo, if you don’t know where the secrets are. In Level 18 and 20 I just constantly messed up, plus some late Archviles or a Cyberdemon, to surprise you. I’m on Level 23 now, hopefully I can finish this soon.
Finally, I was going to buy the Rise of the Ronin PC port tomorrow, but according to a review it needs to cook a bit longer, just like all the other Team Ninja games on PC. So I started Cyberpunk 2077. I watched a playthrough on Twitch last year, and it looked pretty good. So far it’s pretty good. Right now, I’m doing some side content before continuing with Act 1.
Don’t think the last point is true, since there was a report recently that said almost 50% of game time over one month was spent on live service games.