2-3 years doesn’t change lung size or bone density. There is a lot of stuff that doesn’t change once it’s developed.
Just make a separate league
2-3 years doesn’t change lung size or bone density. There is a lot of stuff that doesn’t change once it’s developed.
Just make a separate league
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Dunno, Google is up there too
Except no one set an insane time limit of when everyone had to switch over from horses to gasoline cars. So infrastructure was bale to grow out along the slow pace of car purchases. But since the 1980s the amount of cars per family have sky rocketed and switching from gasoline to electric isn’t something that will happen in a decade
Which you’d have to lay to run a line. Having to run dozens or hundreds of them fir an apartment complex requires a lot if money
No one said they couldn’t do it. It’s just that it isn’t done…so what happens when you buy an ev and move some where woth no charging ? I am in north jersey and I haven’t see a complex here condo or apartment that has outlets anywhere in the parking lot
Even still , unless they are 240v welcome to 2-3 miles per hour charging rate on a ev. Hope you don’t plan on traveling far.
Lots of people lease cars that they can’t afford and are basicly car poor. I was house poor when we bought our first house. Lots of low cost meals like pasta and bologna sandwiches so we could make payments while buying furniture and making repairs
For 2-3 miles of range an hour ? https://www.tesla.com/support/charging
Also not all renters have access to sockets. The last complex I rented at years ago had zero outlets in thier parking lot.
The less well of typically do bot own thier own homes.
More to the point people who rent in apartment complexes or own condos can’t just have a new breaker put in at thier condo or apartment complex. Some places have large parking lots and would require a lot of work to wire all the spaces woth thier own chargers. Also while it’s simple for you to get a 240v breaker put into your electrical box, what about an apartment complex that has a 100 cars ? It can require expensive work to support that much power drain and most people will commute during the day. That means all the load will happen after 6pm and before 9am.
Also in the mean time what do you do of you don’t own your own home? Buy an ev and hope the complex you are renting at will put in a charger or two ? What about all the hoa fighting adding chargers and so on.
Like I saod this will affect the less well off.
It’s an expensive problem to solve. Charging stations aren’t cheap nor is getting an electrician to come out and run wiring and panels for a hundred cars even if it’s just 120 then it eill take 8-12 hours for each car to charge.
I’ve lived in some places that have giant parking lots for the cars which means they have to dig it up to run wiring and create stations at each spot. That can reduce the amount of cars that can be parked which in some places would benillegal
You realize that parking garages do not allow you to plug your car into random sockets and most don’t have sockets anywhere near the cars
Mist people who own a home or are Lucky enough to love some where that has chargers they can use you mean.
Depend s in what you define poor. There is a huge segment of the population thay own leases vehicles that don’t own a home
The problem is charging. Wven if you being out entry level ev chars people want. Where will people who don’t own a home charge them ?
Imagine working a 9 hour shift plus your commute and then having to drive out of your way for a public charging place. Then wait 45mins + for an 80% charge. Then imagine the few charging spots at the location being full so you have to wait even longer to charge it
I think the pricing is actually fine for the cars because people who are going to actually buy an ev would be shopping for an ice car in the same proce range. Those who would buy a lower price range would face way more hurdles while owning an ev
And so if you aren’t a home owner then the ev refuling is shit.
Electric cars make zero sense for the less well off. No one wants to go and sit some where for 45 minutes for 80% of a charge when they can go tonangas station and fully gas up a car in less than Five minutes. Also that is if there isn’t a line to one of the few public charging. Imagine working a shit job for 40k a year and then having to go and sit and wait for wven an hour to get to charge your car that then takes an hour to charge it self
In the usa the poor don’t really have anywhere to charge these cars even if they were cheap enough to afford.
It is impossible to compete with a less than five minute fill up for 300+ miles range.
Not to mention that reports place charging on public charges to be more costly than gas.
Or they want to scare the shit out of Jewish kids and spread terror like they did in New york
Why would I go to ukraine to liberate it ? I don’t supporting giving money to the Ukraine or to Isreal. I support selling them weapons at a profit to help bring down our debt.
Fun time pizza was better in every way.