They’ll see the sales of the Charger tank and will conclude that people just don’t want muscle cars, which is sad because in the next few years I was thinking about getting one.
Oh well, what can you do.
They’ll see the sales of the Charger tank and will conclude that people just don’t want muscle cars, which is sad because in the next few years I was thinking about getting one.
Oh well, what can you do.
I do not understand the reason for swearing being considered bad.
I do not understand why replacement words are better.
If it were the specific sounds being made that are wrong, replacement words would make sense. However, since other languages have no prohibition on these words and may have words that sound the same/similar to swear words in another language.
If the meaning behind the words was the ‘bad’ part, then replacing those word with other words that express the same idea would be just as wrong.
Who determines which words are bad? If it’s a cultural thing I guess it makes sense but a person is fickle and groups of them even more so. I still don’t understand why a group would prohibit specific words but not their meanings (barring superstition, like in the case of the origin of word “bear”). If it were a deity of some kind, it makes me return to the question why specific words in specific languages but not the meaning and intent behind those words.
See, I’ve had a similar experience getting games to run on Debian. Steam games crash and require research and testing to see if I can even get them to run, having some in-game videos just not play, black screens, and games just kinda freezing are all super common for me. That’s just when trying to run games via Proton.
I get some of it can be tied to a skill issue on my part, but at the end of the day I’m tired and don’t want to spend what little free time I have tinkering to get a game working, at least most days.
Still, my dislike for Windows 11 outweighs my interest in gaming so Debian stays.
I mean a lot of it takes place underground
The only slight difference is that they just want you to get any job, so they might push you to a job you don’t really want.
A decent recruiter should push you towards any job they think you’ll do well at. They want to build relationships with companies and maintain a good relationship. They might not always be knowledgeable about skill sets and quirks of every industry, however.
There are a few who will just push anyone to any job but they tend to be easy to weed out and either don’t last long or find a very specific niche where they can get away with that behavior.
I mean fark.com is still kicking, last I checked. I feel like some of these old sites are the web equivalent of BIFL products.
I opted out of the ability to have kids and am in a long term relationship with no intent to marry, unless a legal reason suddenly appears. I’m in my late 30’s and have I do have many friends who have gone down this route, some are more mature, successful, and/or happy than I am and some are not.
I’m a big advocate of those things not being a thoughtless choice, but something that a person takes a long time to think about before they try for either one. I’ve met way too many people who either, while they love their kid(s), don’t like how their life turned out because of them or are miserable in their marriages and will likely get a divorce.
Yeah, if I leak it’s usually some kind of liquid.
The problem is that homelessness is, weirdly, more complicated than just giving people homes. It’s also about mental health issues (many of which we don’t yet have the ability to effectively treat), community, purpose, and a ton of other things.
It’s almost like everyone would benefit from a support system or safety net put in place by some community funded entity that would have the capability of putting those systems in place.
Seeing as how text messages are often used as evidence of abuse, cheating, or other awful acts I struggle to see this as a good thing.
The thing that’s always gotten me about reincarnation is the lack of memory of past lives. Even if it were true and some small part of a person lives on, is it functionally different than a permanent death if they retain nothing from their past lives?
I got snipped and it was the on of the best days of my life. Definitely something you need to go into understanding how permanent it is, but if you definitely don’t want kids I cannot recommend it enough.
Is it just me or does it look like they Photoshopped him in there. Like the scale of his body doesn’t seem to mesh with the rest of the pic.
Only the fun ones
Do you care if others see you as an asshole? Remove morality and other social obligations from it, if you don’t like someone, you don’t like someone. If spending time with this person upsets you, don’t. Hell, even if you force yourself to go there’s a chance he’ll get under your skin and you’ll end up causing a problem.
I’d guess “To whom it may concern” would be the most gender neutral/inclusive way to rephrase that.
I’m either too drunk for this or not drunk enough for this. Either way, you seem like a fun person to argue with.
Are we talking people who have had their gonads removed and don’t have any hormone replacement? Are we talking people born completely without any system for producing sex related hormones? Are we including around/ace people? I feel like there’s a lack of definition but I’m not 100% sure it matters.
Not being part of this group, I’m just going to take a shot in the dark and say it depends on the person. You don’t necessarily need to feel romantic attraction to a person to empathize with characters in a fictional story. You also don’t even need to empathize with the characters to find the concept interesting. Just like folks who do have sexual or romantic feelings, some will enjoy those types of stories and some won’t.
To be fair, most people who try to copy success fail.
Which means twice the savings when you unexpectedly lay them both off!