I got braces for a second and third time as a result of jaw surgery both times in my 20s. Its not so bad.
The people that matter wont care and the people that care wont matter
I got braces for a second and third time as a result of jaw surgery both times in my 20s. Its not so bad.
The people that matter wont care and the people that care wont matter
Contact a recruiter
From the outside looking in it seems that open war is the only thing that would stop the cartels, the bigger question being even if you did fight that war what do you plug the power vacuum with?
Theres just obvious choices sometimes. Like Mass Effect for example the male va does a good job but the female one does incredible
Cisman here to add another data point. I usually pick female models bc they usually have the better voice actors
Idk homie i think going up the pooper is worse
Jonesy to Peter Griffin, “He’s right behind me isnt he?” Darth vader “Im right behind you”
They dont hate on icerinks,etc the same way because the two are not comparable in size. Not even close
The only person worse that comes to mind is JJ Abrams
Yeah i was about to say wasnt this the guy that ruined 3?
I also hadnt heard that about homelander guy, anyone have more info?
Idk I hear they have alters to him being put up in government buildings
Its a time honored american tradition to shoot someone wearing red clothing thats trying to tell everyone what to do
SAP is his current time filler game, but his content is mostly about the banter and less about the gameplay. He is mainly an indie/variety streamer tho
Northernlion is the indy youtuber goat
Its not capitalist, its a planned economy. Taxes can exist outside of capitalism