Ah that makes sense.
Ah that makes sense.
Not really true in newer models. The Tesla charger was adopted as the North American Charging System (NACS.) Pretty much every new EV made in the last 2 years uses it, and all of them will moving forward.
That costs money in state taxes, and the GOP is working on reducing the state and local tax deductions in the federal tax code. Making states who are trying to create good living conditions for their citizens prohibitively expensive to live in. It’s horse shit.
I’m not even talking about the beauty of the woman in the photo, I just mean it’s a blurry, poorly-lit photo that’s taken at a bad angle.
I’m not saying she’s ugly or anything this is just a blurry, poorly-lit, poorly-angled photo with no character to it.
Got one too. What’s funny is this is not even a good photo.
I disagree, I’ve been enjoying it so far. I still think OW beats it out of the water though.
Also worth noting that immigration courts are pretty much just theater. Most of these people do not have lawyers, and unlike a criminal court they do not have the right to a public defender. They aren’t part of the judicial branch which is why trump can just fire the judges.
Imagine a court where the judge and the prosecutor have the same boss… That’s immigration court. It’s a sham masquerading as justice.
Seeing him stand in the oval office makes me feel sick.
Guess that means they can’t deal with Musk, then? Good.
I have one of the Samsung 49 inch super ultra wides. Not having a center aligned taskbar on this thing is atrocious. But on a normal 16:9 screen I prefer it on the left. Not sure where I’d like it on the screen he’s using.
Yeah no idea what he’s even trying to insinuate here. You didn’t raise her rich?
How else am I supposed to feel important?
I’m just some guy.
Seems to me that this is talking about non-latino, native people from South America. They referenced a woman from Guatemala who speaks Mam, a Mayan language. ICE seems ill equipped to handle any migrants, but are even more poorly equipped to deal with non-spanish speaking migrants.
I think there’s some massive omissions here. Not a single 3d mario? Dark souls? Mortal Kombat? The 4th best selling game of all time that spawned the Battle Royale genre PUBG? StarCraft? Warcraft 3 which also spawned the MOBA genre?
Some massive Ls here. Most of the things on the list deserve to be in the conversation but wow.
Lmao. “Industry” haha. Industry. Hahahaha.
Pretty sure JFK wore a top hat to his inauguration too but he took it off for the speech.
That’s Eisenhower
I kind of wish Chauvin shot Floyd instead of the TORTURE he put that man through. Slowly choking the life out of him as he begged for his life.