Was your fall caused by the folding mechanism failing mid-transit?
Was your fall caused by the folding mechanism failing mid-transit?
What’s considered the “worst” vs “best” news source will always be an opinion for any individual user. You can’t expect everyone else to share your same values.
Some users may value their privacy more than others.
Some users value news sources based on how much information their journalists are able to provide.
Some users hate clickbait titles and so they avoid those.
Some users prefer smaller news sources that most others haven’t heard of.
For some users, the first thing that comes back in a search result is the best source.
Some users take the time to compare the information on the various sources through something like ground news and they try to pick the one that captures an interesting bit of information.
Well… I can tell you who didn’t do it.
To be fair, what we specifically have is a republic, although we do have democratic voting to elect our representatives.
Some of those representatives take the stance that they can choose whatever they want best, regardless of what their constituents want, because they were voted in.
Other representatives take the stance that they should vote for whatever the majority of their constituents want.
This reminded me of that video when the covid lockdown caused the air to be so much cleaner that a mountain range could be seen from ~200km away:
This has got to be my biggest pet peeve among most news organizations. Most links on their articles just go back to an older page on their own website instead of pointing at the actual source.
Well… The word “FAIRLY” was written in all caps.
China has enough air pollution that the smog from Los Angeles blows over from there
I think you meant to say:
“China has enough air pollution that the smog from there blows over to Los Angeles”
Also American, I had something similar happen with an Ambulance. I did not get transported, but they still charged $2700. So, it might depend on where you live, or which ambulance company responded to the call.
Don’t worry, we didn’t give them the idea. Ford filed for a patent to do exactly this in 2021 and published it in 2023.
Is anyone else bothered by the last panel where they suddenly switch places?
Anything I could do to make sure my heir continued on with my vision would not be guarunteed, and it would only be temporary. As the saying goes, you’re putting all of your eggs in one basket, from one ruler to the next.
A more permanent solution would be to overhaul the current system and setup checks and balances so that no one person could have too much power.
You could divide up power between an Executive Branch, a Legislative Branch, and a Judicial Branch. Then you put in place like-minded groups of people in each of those branches and voilà.
Taking a look at the recent modlog, as well as other comments around here, it looks like they’re trying to find the right balance for what’s okay and what has crossed the line.
There are an alarming number of comments that are actively encouraging murder and the amount of upvotes that even the worst of those comments receive is sickening.
I think, at this point, anything the health insurance companies do that actually looks good, will make us jump to that conclusion.
This isn’t a trolley problem. Killing CEOs is not going to save any more lives or “fix the system” in any way.
There’s no guarantee that the new CEO will be better or worse, and if they feel threatened enough they’ll just hire security.
Doesn’t sound like much more than acknowledging the process and signing the form by the judge. Is that art?
Judging by the picture in the article, the judge wasn’t just a passive participant who was standing nearby and watching, or sitting in an office and signing a document.
Depends on where you live. There’s a very similar case in Germany from 2 years ago compared to what’s going on now.
In Germany a cop was murdered and someone posted on Facebook: “Not a single second of silence for these creatures.”
The courts have ruled that even “liking” a comment/post like that could be a crime.
The other post had it just as bad if not worse before it was removed entirely.
I tried to bring up the point that a system where we kill CEOs because we don’t like their business practices isn’t going to fix anything and the downvotes immediately poured in.
Either this is just the way that a lot of people on Lemmy think, or there’s some concerted effort/psyop trying to stir discontent among the users here.
For a bit there I was doubting if I even wanted to be associated with Lemmy anymore, but at least it looks like the mods have been cleaning up the worst comments.
I’m speaking in general terms here for any corporation which is why I commented in the way that I did. You’re the one escalating this to an extreme and retroactively applying that to my comment.
Calling for someone else to be killed for any reason is just revenge, it doesn’t solve anything. If any CEO is responsible for the death of a spouse/kid then throw them in prison.
Literal mob mentality? I’m not the one calling for a lynching here.
Well, sounds like you’re admitting that their removal reason was entirely accurate.