It’s that wumao with shill in his user name again. Tell comrade Xi that his book list is Xit. Heh
For the uninitiated
OP has “shill” in his name lmfao
Edit: Post history confirms Wumao behavior.
When I was a little kid I asked my grandfather one time what it was like to “fight evil”. His response was something along the lines of “I didn’t fight evil. They were just a bunch of scared kids doing what they were told. Just like me.”
My grandfather fought in Europe, but Japan was still what kicked off WWII. So, I was super nervous about bringing home the woman that would become my first wife for the first time. Her family was from Okinawa.
When we got there he sat down at the kitchen table and talked to her for a long time. I was in and out doing stuff for the dinner, but they looked happy enough. Later that day he caught me outside and gave me a hug. He told me that she was a good woman and I’d be crazy if I didn’t marry her.
I really miss my grandfather. He was mostly a good dude.
Here’s a picture of him during the battle of the bulge. It’s from a book I have, but this picture was originally published in “Yank” magazine. The original clipping sat over his chair in the living room my entire life.
I thought it was Steven Seagal.
I only know 2 things about Steven Seagal.
Steven Seagal is a Russian shill.
One time Gene LeBell choked Steven out so hard, that Steven Seagal shit his pants.
Those are the only 2 things I know, and need to know about Steven Seagal.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has a big ass tree. Like, a really big ass tree.
Why are they doing this? Last I heard China was making their own chips with no problem. I mean China wouldn’t lie to us now would they?
I didn’t know that about the sequel. That’s pretty cool. I did know about the difference between the book and the movie. I read a similar discussion a few days ago. But your information is new to me.
As someone that contracted Hep C Genotype 2 from IV drug use, and has now been “cured” (meaning I have an undetectable viral load 10+ years later) though technically you are never cured from a virus. I did a brutal regimen of peg interferon and ribavirin for 6 months. The side effects are fucking horrible.
Because of this I have read about Hep C pretty exhaustively. Someone said that Jenny could have caught it from being sexually abused as a child from her father. While plausible, it is an incredibly remote chance. Hep C isn’t in body fluids like HIV. Hep C has to be blood to blood. The chances of transmission with surface blood to surface blood is incredibly remote not impossible, but not probable.
For these reasons and more it bothers me that Hep C is used as her killer in the book. It’s such an unlikely killer, and the main way you get it is through unsavory activities like IV drug use. It seems like the author chose Hep C just as a punishment for her horrible life choices. Almost like Jenny is a yin to Forrest’s yang.
Anyway, I could keep going on about this for more paragraphs, but you may know all this already, and even if you don’t you probably have better things to do with your time.
I know it was Hep C, but Hep C usually takes a LOOOOONNGG time to kill ya. Like, at least 20 years. Even then you die of cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. As far back as the 80’s they had interferon which isn’t perfect, but between all the factors she still would have been fairly unlucky to die from Hep C. Especially so young.
I just want to mention that this man once kicked Dave Mustaine’s dog, and got punched in the face for it.
Yeah my DM name was Delithril, and the guy that did most of the programming was Leaf Stone. Those were the days. I mainly handled hardware and networking, and I built the forums and hosted those too. He mainly did programming. We both did the npc conversations and play testing the spawns. It was a lot of fun.
It’s called Badlands. The one that’s being hosted now very different to the one I hosted back then. But the town names are the same and stuff like that.
Oh nah man I didn’t think you were arguing. You’re all good man. One thing that’s neat about DOS2 is the shear amount of stuff you can hold. In BG3 I played a rogue and was constantly doing inventory management. DOS2 I haven’t even come close to running out of capacity
See, I helped program a mod for BioWare’s NeverWinter Nights, and playtested it. It was so popular that it’s still being hosted 20 years later. I am pretty familiar with D&D lore and math. Not an expert by any means but I have a good enough handle on it.
Here is a Reddit link too.
Most western RPGs work off of some type of D&D rules. This game does not. Instead of AC, spell resistance, and saving throws. Armor and trinkets give you physical damage HP, and magical damage HP. This is very different for people familiar with the genre.
There is a steep difficulty curve just outside of the beginning area. When you are level 2 to about 4 you are often out numbered and out gunned by enemies of the same or one lvl higher. It’s a balancing issue that turns away a lot of new players.
Gold is scarce. I’m pretty far in the game and gold is scarce. Also, gear is expensive. This means you are really at the mercy of the randomized loot situation from chests.
These are just 3 issues I can think of off the top of my head. But, if you still don’t believe me or want more reasons just google “why is divinity original sin 2 so hard”. You’ll find a bunch of posts with a bunch of comments like “get gud”. You’ll also find a few helpful comments.
Just to add to this. My friend and I just finished our first play through of BG3. So, we started a play through of “Divinity Original Sin 2”, Larian’s last game. It’s good, but has some very obvious issues. If you loved BG3, you’ll like DOS2. As long as you’re willing to put in the work to find a build that’s actually viable.
Man, I was a preteen when this game came out. This was the game that made me love RPGs. It’s also the game that every RPG had to live up to moving forward.
It had everything. It was long, and girthy. That’s to say it was a lengthy game with a lot of content. It was veiny. Hehehe I’m just fucken with you now.
But in all seriousness it had hidden characters. It had backstories for the characters that you had to revisit. It had enemies that were disgusting yet human. All the important characters were 3 dimensional.
The game even had a quasi multiplayer mode!!!
Get Fucked Breath of Fire.
This game is a god damn masterpiece.
I had tile many years ago. Back then and this may have changed all you could do was make the tile thing beep. Which isn’t very helpful if some child stuffed your keys into the sofa or you left you wallet in the car. Air tags actually lead you directly to your stuff. They don’t just beep. They say your thing is 15’ that way. As you get closer the feet count down. That proximity thing is all I use.
That’s awesome. As long as they are the ones doing the recycling I have faith it’s being done. Shipping it to China (although I think they stopped taking trash) or India or wherever. I don’t trust that. But in house in Sweden, good on them.
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