On this very singular point, I hope you’re right.
On this very singular point, I hope you’re right.
Use a privacy.com virtual credit card. Gives you full control over each card. I use one for each subscription, especially those I don’t plan to renew.
I use OpenSCAD extensively for production work. I picked it specifically for the ease of defining my own parameters (variables) and how quickly I can modify the values. I’m sure other tools do it as well, but being able to make lengthy calculations that include several other parameters which may themselves be based on additional parameters makes it’s perfect for my use. This allows me to make a single update for the thickness of each batch of material and have the entire multi part design updated and ready to be sent to production.
Once you start thinking of it as a programming script (because it is) it becomes pretty easy to produce complex CAD models. Check out the cheat sheet, it’s a good resource that lists all the commands and structures at a glance.
Never! We’re still fighting the civil war.
Check out Grasshopper
We’re gonna need to see those too
Coming soon to a country near you
We won’t know the truth because both lie constantly.
Doesn’t matter, there won’t be a next time.
The other branches are now controlled by the same far right groups who largely fall in line with what Trump (or his masters) demand. There are no checks and balances now. Congress will propose and pass any legislation he wants and the supreme court will find no fault with the legislation. The public does not have to go along with anything. They have now given full control to the far right who is in lock step with their plan to dismantle the US government and rebuild it to suit their own whims. The guardrails are gone, there is no protection now.
There will not be another election. We now live under a dictatorship.
I’m going to need a fork lift. I’m a single old cat guy with a fucking herd of cats that have output to share with him.
Lots of sites and companies that have gone out is business can still be found there when I need info they published in the past.
The majority of gun shows around here, 75% of the tables are private sales and not FFL so no check is required or done. A few ask to see an iD to make sure you are local to the state, but most do not. I’m sure it varies by region but in many areas it seems to be common practice.
Are there any tools that use published store ads to help with local sales when shopping?
For the kind of setup you are wanting I’d look at Creality. Low cost, reasonably fast, multi color options. Yes they take a little tuning at the start but in terms of a bulk farm machine it’s a solid option.