Do a search for you server OS + STIG
Then, for each service you’re hosting on that server, do a search for:
Service/Program name + STIG/Benchmark
There’s tons of work already done by the vendors in conjunction with the DoD (and CIS) to create lists of potential vulnerable settings that can be corrected before deploying the server.
Along with this, you can usually find scripts and/or Ansible playbooks that will do most of the hardening for you. Though it’s a good Idea to understand what you do and do not need done.
Another reason for going with a swap file vs partition (if you need either) are nvme and SSD drives.
A partition that’s only a few GB and written to constantly will wear out a solid state drive quickly.
Using a swap file in a larger partition that has other data allows the drive to even out the wear across more storage cells.
Reminds me of Coffee Stain Studio’s trailer for the release of Goat MMO Simulator:
I would skip it. Turns out it’s a 3D movie and a gangbang.
He’s just looking for the ol’ 6-6-6
6 figures
6/10 (or better)
6 IQ
DirectTV DSS was huge when it came out.
Now you only needed an 18" dish, no need to move it once it was aimed. Digital quality and 480p if I remember right.
Yeah, people kept using them to fill the bank with bees.
Or you had to write down a long ass code and re-eneter it when you were ready to continue!
Bet you could eat a hundred of them.
Johnson! Why the hell is your report the most unintelligible thing I’ve read since nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer’s table.
They help the tires move phlegm from the inner to the outer treads.
I would check two things:
Is it a QLED tv? Those are very efficient with the backlight power. QLED only have a blue led backlight and the “quantum dots” in the panel between the backlight and the LCD panel absorb the blue light and emit the red green and blue needed to create the full color spectrum.
How many nits of brightness does it produce? I’d check for the specific model on RTINGS. It won’t help OP much if the TV is efficient, but so dim that it’s unusable in their case.
Reflectivity also helps with brightness when viewed in a bright room. The less reflective (matte) the less brightness the TV needs to overcome distracting light sources reflecting on the screen.
Edit: Had to look it up to be sure, normal LED panels use filters that filter red, green, and blue light from a white light source. This means roughly 1/3 of the light from the backlight is filtered away, hence the energy inefficiency vs QLED which uses the energy from the blue light to create the colors.
Intestingly, some DLP projectors use alternating red, green, and blue light sources which strobe on the DLP chip which takes turns modulating the intensity of each color. Less efficient (and bright) DLPs use a single white light source and a color wheel (rotating color filter).
So the ones I’ve seen were a combination of social skills/ emotional intelligence tests and the same type of questions you’d find in an IQ test.
So having a degree shows you have the dedication to see your education through. Having a high GPA can indicate you delivered a consistent and honest effort. But the extra test (especially if it’s timed) can show how good you are at quick thinking. One test I took for a job, you would have about 20 seconds to answer each question if you wanted to get through them all.
It can also gauge if you’re lazy (you guess your way through most questions just to get through them) or dedicated (take your time to answer each question correctly even if that means you won’t get through all 60 or so questions before the 20 minutes are up).
The social skills/emotional intelligence tests (if that’s the right name for them) I’ve seen were basically matching faces to emotions and trying to gauge reactions to events.
So for the “IQ” tests, they want people who are not only educated but swift thinkers (more PC way to say it).
For the social/emotion tests, I’ve seen where otherwise smart and educated candidates can be grating to other employees and even drive other talent away.
I ran into that situation. I’ve even personally blacklisted jobs that might be in the same “team” with a specific person at a very big contractor because even if they’re brilliant, they’re frustrating to work with and have no gauge on how to treat fellow professionals.
I use “team” in quotes because despite there being enough work for 3-4 full time developers, I’ve only ever seen that one person on that team. After having worked with them, I have a really good idea why.
How old is this house?
In 1971, the US National Electrical Code (NEC) required grounded receptacles in all locations of the home (effective January 1, 1974).
You can check with a $6 electrical receptical tester.
It could be that the electrical system was grounded to the waterlines that enter the house (those should definitely be copper).
Kinda looks like ARK but with Pokemon… Interesting
Might be cheating with an end credits sequence, but I would say Psycho Pass’ first ending sequence
Honorable mentions:
More like unexpected new features, like the all new spontaneous exit row!
This is why you don’t leave Pillsbury dough tubes in a hot car.
Only enough for 2-3 breakfasts for Gaston.