Can’t have my group chats leaked if I don’t have any!
Can’t have my group chats leaked if I don’t have any!
Emerald holds a special place in my heart. Omega Ruby got me back into Pokemon and to this day is my favorite. I’m currently playing through every generation, but no other region hits harder that Hoenn
Earl Grey with double Bergamot. It hits so hard
Absolutely. It’s a little hand wavey, but I agree with the sentiment. If you mod the 3DS it’s an all in one solution. If you want the cartridges, I would start collecting the DS ones sooner rather than later. Heart Gold/Soul Silver and Platinum specifically. The 3DS games are still quite reasonable
Mod a 3DS and you’re off to the races. I just went through a spree of buying cartridges from each generation and I kind of regret it. The 3DS will play every game you want and will be cheaper in the long run. No need to buy a flash cart. Not trying to be overly pedantic but flash carts are still emulation, just hardware emulation instead of software.
Good luck on your Pokemon journey! Currently burning through SoulSilver myself
I’ve been craving Patapon! This is super amazing!!
Game bad because no sales is a weird take. Not really sure why you’re ascribing a “holier than thou” attitude to Yacht Club Games because I don’t really see it but different perspectives I guess. I’d argue comparing anything to Hollow Knight will make it come up short. That game is a masterpiece and it still only costs $15. You should try Shovel Knight. It’s not really a Metroidvania so the comparisons to Hollow Knight and Castlevania isn’t wholly accurate. If you don’t like it you could refund it. Disagreements aside, Silk Song looks like it’s going to be fire when it finally releases, but it’s been so long I’m not going to keep the hype up anymore Happy gaming, homie
Lowkey Wife material. That level of levity is super attractive
I got mocked and laughed at the last time I ate alone. Your mileage may vary :/
In the wise words of Warrior Poet and Scholar Randy Jackson, “That’s going to be a no from me, dog”
I love my S76 but she is not quiet.
Yooo! Let’s go Pop_OS!
The most recent time I watched the TV version it was, “Yippee Ki-yay, my friend”.
Stuff like this is why I don’t tell people I game. The Gamer Stink is real and I don’t want to be guilty by association. Seriously, go touch grass. The things that you’re denigrating someone else for are pixels and code on a computer. Find some way to not be garbage humans.
Her music is interesting. Hope she ends up happier
Based on your post, you sound like you don’t want to use it but feel obligated to. You aren’t obligated to use it. I purchased a Linux machine and daily drive it for everything I can. It was a little rough to start but I have picked up on it pretty quick. You will deal with weird quirks from time to time. Most issues I run into are common enough that a quick Google search will fix me up or get me pointed in the right direction. If you want to try Linux, just know that there is a learning curve and be patient with it. As far as Distros, start with a “Just Works” Distro. I recommend Linux Mint or Pop_OS. They work well out of the box while having plenty of room for tinkering. I’m by no means a programmer or Developer but Linux is still accessible without a deep arcane knowledge base of CS information to draw from. Regardless if you use Linux or not, I hope you enjoy your new PC!
Little bit of Insider Baseball on knives. Anytime a knife doesn’t list the blade steel, I assume we’re looking at 7Cr17MOV, 440C, or D2 with a bad heat treat. That price point is quite a bit higher than these cheap Chinese steels. Just another “True Patriot” grift. Pocket knives are cool tools and there are a slew of American brands that won’t break by cutting into cardboard. These Trump Combat Knives will last a couple months maybe.
I guess I’m kind of confused as to the debate between Bleeding Edge vs Stable. I get the concept on paper, but what packages are so imperative that you need a Distro that is “Bleeding Edge”. I run Pop_OS and it works great on my hardware(System76 so it kind of has the home field advantage). I have an old laptop running LMDE that doesn’t ever need rebooted and it has every package I need for it to accomplish its job.
Others have given better advice than I will, but maybe determine why you need something that’s bleeding edge. If the only answer is “Cuz Shiny new stuff!” I don’t think it’s needed that bad and tailor your setup for stability and functionality. I prefer Just Works Distros though. VM’s are also a thing if you want to do some Distro Hopping
I have two Asus gaming laptops. My G74SX from 2011 is still trucking along great. It’s not much for games anymore but great for Stardew Valley, browsing, and movies. My Zephyrus M16 is good overall with some complaints. I will throw out that for the same price of a gaming laptop, you can build a PC that is more powerful. You can even get a pre-build that will last you longer than a laptop. If you’re dead set on the laptop though, I’d recommend an Asus. The hardware is great but the software fights you a bit
Thanks for that comparison :(