Or, you know, if you read the prompt before sending, look at the question after you’ve selected it, or just read your own work once. This method will only work if students are being really stupid about cheating.
Or, you know, if you read the prompt before sending, look at the question after you’ve selected it, or just read your own work once. This method will only work if students are being really stupid about cheating.
Tbh my only gripe with this post is the assumption that because a man is explaining something to a group of women, it’s automatically mansplaining. Although I guess it’s a joke so whatever.
The second one made me dislike them, but the fifth one was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Transferring files that way actually seems really useful, I did not think of that
I don’t think etiher is implied here, but sure, I suppose it can be a conversation starter.
Thanks, that’s one of my main goals in life.
I can definitely see the point if it’s literally all there is in the feed, but if you just watch things from people you disagree with from time to time, and the algorithm picks up on it, there’s bound to be a few things in your feed that might “look bad” if they are used to draw conclusions about your worldview from someone who doesn’t know you.
Next time I talk to a girl at a party, I’m gonna ask to see her browser history “because it’s a good test for red flags.” Judging someone by what they watch or read is stupid. Judging someone by what YT thinks they would like to watch is even worse. I know this is completely besides the point, and it is just a meme, but judgy behavior like that irks me.
I think this is the nicest way to go about parking a vehicle like this. I might think it’s a bigger vehicle than necessary, but this is not the person who should primarily receive hate for their choice of car.
I’m genuinely curious about how the average interaction went, given that you weren’t immediately turned away.
Unless, you know, they got unlucky and got sick anyways.
Tbh I feel like this is sometimes the case. Whenever I’ve looked for really cheap basic one-color t-shirts, the lowest cost ones usually have a brand logo on them.
The past tense of yeet is yöted
I agree with that, it’s important to consider what’s being advertised and in what way.
“Here, eat a caterpillar, you’ll feel better.”
I considered it before I switched from 7 to 10, but since 10 still makes it possible to create an offline account and disable most of the spyware and other bloat, I opted to stay with Windows for another generation of OS. 11 is different though, it’s several steps too far into proprietary hell.
I’ve been dipping my toes into it over the years, I’m just not ready to make it my daily driver quite yet
The second Win 10 stops receiving security updates, it’s Linux for me.
By that reasoning knowing how to screen share is crucial knowledge for all high-paid jobs