Cranberry mustard is awesome
Cranberry mustard is awesome
“There goes the neighborhood.”
Life/support expectancy between console and PC, PC wins hands down. Consoles release the next $500+ish version every 8ish years where a PC can pretty easily outlive at least 2 generations of console with minor upkeep and maybe some minor upgrades that cost less then the shitty controllers you have to replace every 6-12 months for $50 - $80
We pay bills, rent, get food (all generic and heavy sales) then the money is gone. Its a good month if we have 20$ at the end of the month, thats how we budget, by having no money. Donated a decent amount to medical aid for Ukraine and ate plain rice most of that month, priorities
Its karma farm, they wait to repost a popular post, then post the most popular comments from the old one verbatim. Its gotten really bad
Left reddit recently bc of the toxicity, massive noticeable uptick across most subs. Blatant racism, homophobia and hate in general with next to zero moderation. The ads were just cancer(without a blocker) with the sponsored “he gets us” ones being unblockable and funded by a christian hate group prominently showing up constantly. Kbin has been an alright replacement minus the server issues recently
Yes, everything was peachy keen before that, China genocide, Ukraine genocide, Uvalde TX shooting, totally fine and normal
Yes, everything was peachy keen before that, China genocide, Ukraine genocide, Uvalde TX shooting, totally fine and normal
Those people tend to be the ones benefiting most from socialism without realizing it. There also is a lot of confusing communism with socialism in here, they are not the same thing
Like we wouldn’t intercept their tin can of a rocket and then flatten the shit out of every military and government location in the country starting with the palace
It is not alive, it doesn’t have a gender or sex. It is an object. Any labels beyond that is humans personifying which we love doing and is fine in the arts, but strictly scientifically “it” is correct. Also I wouldn’t trust a thing these chat bots put out, it’s word salad and portrays things as fact with zero evidence regularly, for now anyways.
Twitter was a drop in the bucket for him. 44bil lost and still in the top 3 most wealthy people in the world. He has way too much money for his own good and we are watching in real time what that kind of money does to a person
Mexican American War, killing brown people close to home for practice before doing it abroad. Our country fucking loves killing people as much as Kanye loooooovesss hitler
I used to work for a foreign company in the US that made this stuff. All the crucibles were made out of graphite, never saw a quartz crucible, maybe they are used in the making of them via ingredient or mold, or maybe they produce a different quality of silicon. We “grew” the silicon into these big (ranging from 2-4ish ft long) cylinder like crystals where they would be shipped off to another area to be sliced into thin wafers for chips. The crucibles were good for maybe I think under 100 runs before they needed to be replaced if they didn’t fail before that.