Distros based on Ubuntu are better than ever. Ubuntu isn’t the move tho
Your sweet trans cat girl
Distros based on Ubuntu are better than ever. Ubuntu isn’t the move tho
Unrelated, but when I was a kid I thought China and Japan were a united land mass until WW2 when we nuked Japan, then it floated off into the ocean. This reminded me of that a little bit
On the kitchen confidential sub, we all agreed it would be pretty cool for big pieces of fried chicken, but then questioned where they would store whatever is supposed to be scooped by this. Fast-food popcorn chicken holders is pretty much the only thing we could say made sense. But then if it was fast food, they’d just have scoops for it already.
Tfw all the coding you know is from PLTW classes
That’s cool AF. Shodan shows lots of cool things that I don’t think anybody minds being seen, but it also gives search results that could be used nefariously. It’s probably the coolest and creepiest tech product I’ve ever seen.
You’re the one that named your profile after Reddit though. You are the loser from Reddit.
I always think of this review for one of his restaurants
He visited a restaurant I worked at one time. Didn’t end up on DD&D, but still cool nonetheless
Shodan is good for violating other people’s privacy without them knowing it lol
King of The Hill is probably my most watched. Fall asleep to it every night. However most active rewatching goes to Moral Orel.
This is what I’m gonna pull out next time my girlfriend asks me to whip her.
A truly good joke is always a good joke, no matter when its told
Would’ve been one helluva story to tell in school tho
I’d replace PPSSPP with RetroArch
It’s amazing what people have made in Roblox with that language.
Hey, it’s supposed to be acting like a programmer. Maybe copilot really is one of us 🤔
RIP coolroms and emu paradise :'(
I think this is the 5th time I’ve seen this headline.