Fuck moon channel, dude is so full of himself and confidently wrong that he will defend charity fraud for his own ego. See his whole arguments and exchanges with Karl Jobst about the Jirard (The Completionist) and indieland donations incident
Fuck moon channel, dude is so full of himself and confidently wrong that he will defend charity fraud for his own ego. See his whole arguments and exchanges with Karl Jobst about the Jirard (The Completionist) and indieland donations incident
The “G” in “Lasagna” is silent
You mentioned the -likes ones, which I really don’t like, but “Soulslike” takes the cake and I absolutely loathe using it. Might be a bit biased here because I think Fromsoft’s Souls games feel very bland and I really enjoy Team Ninja’s versions of this genre, instead (had an absolute blast with Nioh and Wo Long, and am currently addicted to Stranger of Paradise)
Yes, after discussing the same points in a reddit thread with him and not realising he was wrong and did no research (watching youtube is no research), instead being a bitchy, hairsplitting ass with a holier-than-thou attitude, while also insulting other people who calmly tried to direct him to the discord call that he conveniently left out of his “youtube research”, only to “work things out” later after Karl did a 1.5hr slam-dunk video on his incompetency.
I guess he is allowed to do this, doing no research and shitting out a video with a sponsor, while simultaneously accusing Karl of doing this for money (who has by his own word lost 8k$ for cancelling a sponsor for his first coverage video btw), behaved like a spoiled little child until the Karl video on him dropped, because he is a lawyer (for a completely different field than the field that charity fraud or embezzlement would fall under anyway btw).
Yes, they worked things out after he was forced to, until then he did everything wrong to not have to admit being wrong. If this guy will have a better standing or stands to gain by lying to you, he WILL lie to your face.
Oh and he didn’t want to delete his misinformation video until getting backlash from Karl’s fanbase to do so, shows how much commitment to the truth he has.
(Not a Karl Jobst fan, can’t stand his personality actually. Him shining light on the charity fraud was very important and appreciated.)
(Also his video with Phoenix Wright animations and music was ironic and very cringe.)