This game good? I’m not a fan of survival or horror games but I am from the PNW, so does seem interesting to play a game version of home
This game good? I’m not a fan of survival or horror games but I am from the PNW, so does seem interesting to play a game version of home
Night of the full moon is a good card roguelike. They’ve recently added modes that play like hearthstone and other card games too
Peglin is a good peggle spin off
Solitarica is a solitaire roguelike
Solomons keep/boneyard are fun dungeon crawler roguelikes
Pawnbarian is a chess roguelike
I think they said GoG provided technical support or something, right? I imagine there was a clause in whatever they did heavily encouraging releasing it on GoG. In any case, for me at least I much rather prefer it being on GoG than steam just for DRMs sake. I’ve transitioned to always buying on GoG first, rather than steam.
I mean the vivo fold 3 is $500 cheaper than the fold 6, I’d say that’s some major value. And again from everything I’ve seen the software is basically up to snuff now. They all have flex mode, great multi window support (probably better on the vivo with 16gb of RAM), gapps support. I basically monitor equipment for work so I do literally nothing unless something breaks. With that my phone is my main entertainment device. In the video I linked, the battery benchmark he ran had the vivo fold beat the Samsung by almost 4 hours; even if that’s not real world I’m sure it still outpaces the fold 6 significantly. My SOT is pretty normally like this, so any improvement in battery would be great… Which Samsung hasn’t done in 3 years. And fully charged in like a third of the time too.
The deals and support come back to what I said in my initial comment, that’s why I haven’t pulled the trigger. But man I wish I could.
I mean I guess I’ve never actually used one but every video I’ve seen from people like flossy Carter and such only rave about them.
I watched this yesterday and it made the vivo seem pretty much like a clear win. Basically the only thing Samsung has going for it is the software. And I’m sure in its home market this thing crushes the fold
The story was alright for me, up until the twist for Henry I guess. That was pretty awful. Up until then I enjoyed his little arc, even if it did kinda lose the premise that you’re a nobody. The combat on the other hand I actually enjoyed and was surprised when after I beat the game and googled some reviews that people were knocking it. The only issue I had was when there was like 5 guys on me, other than that I enjoyed it.
Same. As a foldables guy, literally any Chinese folding phone looks leagues ahead of the z fold. I would love to get something like the vivo x fold 3 but warranty and cellular compatibility spook me. Samsung has me held hostage here in the states
It’s pretty awful but since it’s centered it at least helps with it being kinda flush while laying on the desk. My fold 5 camera is so fucking big and off to the side of rocks like a mother anytime I have it like that.
I really don’t get the absolute vitriol foldables get on Lemmy. I love my z fold 5 and the use cases are numerous. Need to fill in some personal data? Dual screen your password manager and easily go back and forth. Play games on your phone? Basically ever game I’ve seen scales beautifully to the inner screen’s resolution. Want a second monitor? Put the thing in kickstand mode and have your YouTube video playing on the side while you do whatever else.
The three things I always hear against them are basically what you said: price, crease, and durability. The price is just kinda what it is; there’s a lot of tech in here and it’s expensive to make. So I totally get it if that’s people’s hang up.
The crease is a total non issue. What a lot of people do is hear about the crease, think about how bad it sounds, go to best buy to check it out, focus solely on the crease and nothing else, and say wow this awful. In reality though, the moment you use the inner screen the crease totally fades away, just how the notch did when apple first made it. You don’t even feel it because you never have your fingers in the center of the screen, they’re always in their respective halves.
Now for durability, I can only speak to my own experience. I’ve had the 3, 4, 5, and soon to be the 6. So that’s roughly a year between each model and not the longest time for things to break. But in all of that time and all of those devices, I’ve never had a single issue. No cracked screens, not permanent marks on the inner screen, no broken hinges. If you go on reddit sure you’ll probably find some complaints, but remember it’s an Internet forum… A lot more people are going to complain about issues than exclaim how well their device has always worked.
In any case, highly recommend and you should definitely get one.
Interesting. Next game I play that has one I’ll report back and show you how it went lmao
Every time I try to create anything with any of these “never before seen levels of customization” character creators I end up feeling like dr Frankenstein with the monsters I create. Basically every game I play it’s just the default model with like heterochromia or something lol. I have no idea how some people create the works of art they do.
I took faulty to mean buggy, but that’s really just semantics. Either would affect your view of the game pretty similarly.
I mean you basically stated it as a matter of fact. You didn’t go into any explanation of your thoughts and just dismissed the game as buggy and boring in a single sentence. On a post about how they potentially plagiarized pokemon that seems to be a little inflammatory.
Why did you so casually dismiss it? Just because you don’t like a game doesn’t mean it’s boring with a lot of faults. The game was at 20k players average on steam last month, putting it above valheim, bdo, rimworld, risk of rain 2. That doesn’t really speak to me as a boring game.
Tachij2kfriends, I saw the mihon dev post somewhere that tachij2k shouldn’t be used anymore. Is there a reason for that? Everything is still working on my end, and until it doesn’t I intend to just keep using tachij2k unless there’s a good reason not to. I also read somewhere that the Dev for j2k said he was gonna make some changes, but I wasn’t able to verify that… Anyone know anything more? Thanks
Where are you guys sourcing your manga? I’ve bought a few on Amazon and converted them to epub. I also have some raws from bookwalker but as far as I can tell their stuff is super locked down. Where else could I acquire manga?
Was hoping since Japanese is so popular with nerds that a JP community would be active but that one’s dead too. Basically if it’s not techy it’s probably not gonna be active here on Lemmy.
Just a reminder that A Link to the Past Randomizer exists and is also quite fun