Lol dw, you won’t get shot here for using your hardware how you intend to use it… Why would anyone get mad about that??
Well if you don’t use your trackpad then obviously Gnome gestures won’t be a big point for you. I never really used to either back when I used tiling Window managers, I solely relied on a purely keyboard driven workflow, until I got a new job and they use MacBook Pros as our work laptops, there I got super into the trackpad gestures. For example, three finger swipe left or right to change workspace, three finger swipe up for an application/workspace overview.
My recommendation for travel would be ‘Bald and Bankrupt’, in particular I loved his whole Russian/Ex-Soviet Union series.
For documentaries, I do enjoy the ‘Down the Rabbit Hole’ documentaries. They did a great one on Terry A. Davis a few years back