I hate everyone on lemmy but at least I’m hating people
I hate everyone on lemmy but at least I’m hating people
BUT a lot of peated whisky is aged in bourbon casks imported from the US. I wonder if that’s included in any tariffs or separate?
If they’re truly superfluous then they waste the time of both sides, but it’s the prosecution who get to decide whether or not to include a charge. The prosecution might not be holding out real hope of a conviction on the highest charges, but by including them they could include additional witnesses and evidence that will be heard by a jury and change their perception even on the more realistic charges, which the defense would have to react to.
Again, all hypothetical. For all I know theyre confident in the terrorism charge
But realistically criminal trials are a negotiation, and most of the work happens outside the courtroom
It’s pretty standard to charge with the most serious things they can and potentially drop/lower the charges before trial. Maybe theyre trying to get a plea deal or disposition and avoid the trial - ‘we’ll drop terrorism and the death penalty if you plead to first degree murder and life without’ or something like that
Or at least they have his legal team spending time knocking down the more superfluous charges instead of dealing with the meat of it all
Obviously I don’t know enough about the situation here to know exactly what’s up, but yeah
I think you mean Henry Kissinger
It’s probably because its a civil trial, not a criminal one. So he hasn’t been ‘convicted’ - although personally it’s more than enough evidence for me
It sounds like you love one Bethesda game that came out 22 years ago
Youse guys wanna play stickball?
Yes I mean, he’s not wrong but his thing about Ukraine is driven by his Churchill obsession, not by real world ethics
Global warming’ gave us that senator with the snowball
In an ideal world we wouldn’t have to moderate accurate terms to prevent bad actors making dumb arguments
But this is clearly not an ideal world
I love them all*, but the IT Crowd is at the top for me
(*Graham Linehan is a prick)
I never actually watched dead set, but I remember it was airing at the same time I had a Media Studies project at school about zombies so the tutors kept bringing it up
Jack was Biz Markie’s only young friend
same thing lol
Except for immigrants, queer people, black people, Muslim people, and women. For those groups it is decidedly not the fucking same
But because the Democrats aren’t going to reverse capitalism and it doesn’t affect you personally, who gives a shit, right? Fuck everybody apart from you
Putting aside questions of ecosystems etc, I think the main reason is that we just can’t - ironic since we seem to be extint-ing all the other animals
In South America they tried in the 50s and 60s, and more kept cropping up. They breed so quickly, if you miss an area they can just rebound. Then more can come in on ships and stuff
So you couldn’t really localise it, it would have to be a huge global undertaking. And it would likely require widespread use of pesticides that are at best tricksy and at worst illegal, not to mention environmentally shitty
Bill is the pony that travels with the Fellowship from Bree to the Mines of Moria. I hope he has a good birthday
For anyone who is politically involved and knows the issues, Walz won by having better and more consistent positions; as well as Vance saying some scary fascist level shit
But I fear that most undecided voters aren’t in that camp, and for those people Vance did well just be being coherent and vaguely normal.
Vance lied and twisted the truth a bunch, but if you just tuned in without knowing all the facts and context, that wasn’t necessarily clear
For me though I was pleasantly surprised by Walz actually making a moral case for immigration, you don’t see that nearly enough
I don’t know why you’re being down voted, he is literally a billionaire
‘No ethical billionaires’ apart from this guy apparently
The Stanford Prison Experiment. But it shouldn’t be taken seriously, it was terribly done, biased and unscientific
Could be interesting to run something similar under actual experimental conditions, if that was doable
Just in case you’re not joking, that’s the point of this meme. That the big reveal and emotional moment at the end of the film has been misunderstood and reduced to a plot hole