Ain’t that a kick in the nuts…
Right on, thanks!
Before November, I did it by mainly looking at AP News. During November I was kind of a mess. After November, no news at all. My lemmy feed is comic strips, Linux, photography, and asklemmy, a few other things that are not political. If major shit happens I hear from my partner or friends, but they all know I’m not that interested. My YouTube feed is Buddhist stuff, standup comedy, and hobby rabbit holes. I even filtered out the lefty late night shows (daily show etc). I know the basics of what’s going on, but don’t feel any need to get daily updates on it and I’m feeling pretty sane compared to a few months ago! We donate to Palestinian charities, HRC, etc., are active in other ways, but this daily media crap is not healthy.
Ah, dang, I haven’t run into this yet. But I see what you mean. I actually just set this up in Linux, but back in Windows I didn’t run into this problem (maybe I was lucky enough to hit the same port, or maybe I didn’t have it set up entirely correctly, lol).
Yes, this is what I do, with Private Internet Access (VPN). You can bind qbittorrent to PIA’s interface, and also to its forwarding port.
I’m a very recent linux convert, coming from windows where I was using Vivaldi and I quite like it. But… are there reasons to switch to something else?
lol, I scrolled down here to post the same. TIL I’m old.
hahaha glad I’m not the only one :) I can’t call it this around the house because kids.
It is. And stop calling me Shirley.
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
The Big Lebowski
such a hard question. Those are two that I’ve watched a million times and keep getting enjoyment out of, and not just because I’ve seen them so much, but they’re actually well made. I’d definitely put Spirited Away as a contender. LotR, I know, unpopular opinion, but I don’t think they are great movies. The books were great!
I love natto. Which isn’t that weird IMO, but people sure seem to think it is.
Even when I lived in Japan for a little bit, people there would be like “a GAIJIN that likes NATTO!?” Sure, it’s stinky, but yum.
mm yeah. I like sea urchin too. and raw oysters. Both of them, if they’re fresh, just have that flavor/feel like you’re consuming and becoming one with OCEAN
I’m often very much in the same boat as you. I’m the one in the team interview who afterwards is like “pleeease let’s go with person B, because person A just, y’know, … bad gut feeling?” And I wish I could ask more personal questions in the interview itself. However, I’ve been lightly warned (and subsequent web searches confirm this) that it’s a legal grey area to ask about personal stuff in interviews. If they bring it up, or maybe you drop an obscure ST:TNG reference and they pick up on it, by all means, they’re “one of us” so go for it. But on the flip side, you might hear something that, say if you don’t end up hiring them, could be grounds for a discrimination lawsuit.
Thanks for this! <3
Dang, that’s interesting. Thank you for the context. (-an embarrassed american)
I often think I miss it, but nostalgia sort of glosses over the anxiety and other stuff I was probably dealing with and just don’t remember. Like “yeah, college! partying!” but… I had plenty of stress then too. I’m probably better at dealing with it now.
jesus. how old was your cousin at the time?
Dang, those are beautiful screenshots. I recently moved over to Linux and have only tried a couple of games on here, but I should see how that one works… haven’t played it in a few months, and I have ways to go in it. I don’t even remember what chapter I’m on.