Regarding transportation and storage, have a look into “LOHC”, there’s a lot of promising tech that is already beginning to solve these problems.
Regarding transportation and storage, have a look into “LOHC”, there’s a lot of promising tech that is already beginning to solve these problems.
Trebuchets, which btw are far superior to catapults.
Your question was deemed too stupid for No Stupid Questions
Highasakite - Norway
Of course you can discuss patriotism even with people who are not patriotic, or who are patriotic for different things. That’s what this whole post is for.
I’ve heard people (admittedly only online) advocating for surgery for trans minors, the main argument being that puberty has such a big impact that an earlier surgery often means a much more effective result.
(This is just from memory, I might be getting stuff wrong)
Because they make people want to mate with you
This is the Photoshop tutorial
Genuine question from a non American, what happens if Biden wins presidency but then dies in the first year in office?
One of the funniest memories from when I was travelling (around 2017) was many tourists holding up their giant tablet devices, fumbling with them to try take photos of things.
I hope you at least gave them a nice smug smile when you walked back in.
This happens in a lot of countries. For me I noticed it particularly with young people in Germany, and pretty much anyone in Norway.
Can make it slightly frustrating when actively trying to learn the language by speaking with people 😅
As a counter example, I managed to make friends with a Swiss person while elsewhere in Europe, and then later in my travels got to visit them in Switzerland for a few days. My time there was truly one of the most breathtaking and memorable experiences of my trip.
Maybe it’s expensive, maybe Europeans are “cold” personality wise, but God damn they have got some incredible scenery.
For me the main benefit of it would be the ability to try local/cultural dishes while travelling, if lab grown meat was an option.
I’ve been vegetarian my whole life and vegan for ~4 years or so, and I would definitely eat lab grown meat (assuming the conditions you stated).
I almost certainly wouldn’t eat it often but there is sooo many cultural dishes I haven’t ever tried due to them containing meat, which I would love to try sometime.
Admittedly I expect that most things I would not end up liking, but the ability to try would be really nice.
I’m vegan, and agree with you 100%
I mean it does look cool.
Next time I have a bunch of extra cash to throw at a decorative art piece I’ll consider it
To be fair, the first despicable me was decent imo. But the abominations which followed…
To be honest, it comes across as bad communication to me. If you mean “some people” or even “some cis people”, then why not say that? The way you say it sounds like all, or almost all cis people don’t understand, which I think is presumptuous and untrue. Pretty much every cis person I know would understand those to be gender affirming care. Just because some people (especially those in power) don’t seem to understand that doesn’t justify making it a generalisation.
Thats probably not how you meant it, I just want to point out how it comes across to at least some people, which might imply it isn’t the best communication.
So as far as I know, the benefit of LOHC is that compression/cooling is no longer required. Transporting/storing hydrogen becomes as easy as transporting any oil. There is an energy cost in the binding reaction, which is endothermic, but the unbinding reaction is exothermic so you get some of that energy back.
Unless you mean some other conversion?