It’s a nice tea-towel, but there are more than four castles in Wales.
It’s a nice tea-towel, but there are more than four castles in Wales.
The coating on the inside of the tube can behave like a Leyden jar caps can accumulate charge over time even without an obvious power source.
Some awful app needed to start the game that always needs a protracted update using administrator privileges every time I run it, (on top of Steam which does pretty much the same thing), doesn’t really draw me back to their products either.
Which part of Kent? I hope it’s not hanging around the wreck of the SS Richard Montgomery!
USB-C is an absolute shit-show. Half a dozen types of identical looking cables all with different performance and compatability. They can be power only, USB-2 only, USB 3, 3.1, 5gb, 10gb. Some can carry 5A, others only 3A. Some may support thunderbolt. Cable sellers and manufacturers can/will claim anything.
For people selling USB-C devices it’s a massive support problem. It looks like the device is defective, but someone may just have swapped out the cable for their phone charger cable and there’s no way of telling.
For Firefox: uBlock origin (of course)
Privacy Badger - controls which sites are allowed to use cookies
Mind the time - tracks time spent on various Web sites
Video DownloadHelper - detects media and allows you to download and transcode it.
Bitwarden - password manager
Electoral law should at least demand the same levels of identification for the candidates as it does for the voters. Candidates should be on the electoral register (somewhere) and they should’ve presented one of the recognised forms of photo ID.
It might be that the default for Windows is to sleep rather than do a full shutdown. Whenever Linux looks at a Windows partition it looks corrupted. When windows starts up again it’s inconsistent as some of the data was in the sleep image.
Car engine injector cleaner and almost any add-it-yourself fuel additive.
I don’t know how valid this is, but I heard county and district councils use government bonds to secure more favourable loan terms. When Liz Truss upset the UK bond market the cost of borrowing rose as the value of their bond assets dropped. The county council where I live is now spending as much on servicing debt as it is on fixing roads. (Roads, although not the most important responsibility of local government, are a visible indicator of their capability.)
I’ve given the 3x noodles a go. Although banning them seems ridiculous, in the words of Big Clive, “why do they even say chicken” https://youtu.be/FH5vp-VyZFU “So spicy they’re banned in Denmark” would look good on the packet though.
This seems like a playbook answer to a question about a subject that’s of little immediate importance to his administration, but of some importance to a minority in both Argentina and Britain. Basically saying to his electorate “we haven’t forgotten” and to Britain “we’re not going to do anything”.
Soviet maps of the UK are redrawn versions of maps from uk publishers (Ordinance Survey). This was discovered from identical locations of height measurements. Who did they copy here?
Ordinance Survey attempted to sue the publishers of the Soviet maps for copyright violation. They were still selling the maps after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Browsers made the Internet usable for the general population. The Internet as we know it would have remained a network for academia, governments and large corporations. Smartphones would not have been developed. Without a reason for everyone’s homes to be connected to a high speed network, TV would remain the remit of cable and satellite broadcasting - no streaming services.
I went to uni in the mid 90s when Y2K prep was all the rage, went back to do another degree 20 years later. It was interesting to see the graffiti in the CS toilets. Two digits up to about 1996, four digits for a decade, then back to two.
About 10 years ago they provided medical data from the samples. I used 23 And Me too confirm that a health problem I’d recently been diagnosed with was hereditary. At the time I remember being asked if my sample could be used to aid the type of research the OP talks about and I agreed to it.
A couple of years ago, I think 23 And Me was bought out by Virgin Healthcare, at that point I asked them to destroy all my data was worried about it being used to increase the cost of or preclude health insurance.
For me it’s good, let’s me leave emails on the server so my desktop can read them too. Let’s me reply below or above and compose in ascii. Doesn’t impose ways of working I don’t want.
Is! Yahoo! still! a! thing!?!
I wonder what made youTube decide to fix this loophole? These days the vast majority of people use phone apps or smart TVs to watch. The number of people using Firefox plus ad blockers must be quite small and it’ll be a constant effort to keep updating their anti ad block algorithms.
To some extent it is accurate. Only a finite amount of knowledge can be applied to a task and excess experience doesn’t bring any additional benefit on its own.