I’ll take ‘bridges I would never use because boom’ for $1000, Alex
16+ years at Reddit, now moved here. Do not like drama.
I’ll take ‘bridges I would never use because boom’ for $1000, Alex
This is exactly what I have done since 2005 with them. Showed me years ago that 1800Flowers either was compromised or sells their email addresses.
Fairfax isn’t any better. We looked at a 1625sq ft here that sold for $800k. And it was from the 60s and old as hell.
As an X’er married to a Millennial that fights her Boomer folks, this is the way.
Have been working so I could take vacation time for end of year. Finally was here on the 19th. The next evening we took the kids to see Santa for pictures and to let them tell him what they wanted for Christmas.
Old guy sounded off. Weak voice and raspy. Ok well he’s old and a bit large, whatever. Only thing we had planned for the week going out was that. There and home which was good.
Next evening wife says she feels off and starts coughing a bit. Wake up to all of us having fevers. By the 22nd she started losing taste so we test and yup ol Saint Nick gave us an early COVID present to the whole family. I got it last so I’m still unable to taste.
Not sure I had get the Rona from a boomer store Santa on my 2023 Bingo card but there ya go.
Thank you. I use duck duck go and the results do not give me that appreciate it.
Huh I didn’t know EU gave more. Link please as my searching has not turned up such a link. Best I’ve seen is 50/50.
I also use Joplin!
On this very night, ten years ago, along this very stretch of road in a dense fog just like this. I saw the worst accident I ever seen. There was this sound, like a garbage truck dropped off the Empire State Building…
I joined the army specifically because my grandfather was RA in 1939 and had been wounded in the Aleutian island campaign before being reppled into the ETO in time for the battle of the bulge and dachau. He didn’t talk to his (non military, non combat) son but when I came back from having seen the elephant we had long talks.
The hell with that war.
Saving Private Ryan.
It was a subdued clapping out of respect for those the movie represented.
Anything was better than Fortran or cobol back then 🫤
I never did get the ‘Turbo’ part. Why not Supercharger Pascal?
I have had three in high availability at home but intend to have a look at this thank you!
I must miss them — perhaps because Pi-hole?
Glad I use Apple TVs on LG devices.
Small usb powered fan.
Yup can confirm it shat the bed yesterday often.
Was 216845. I’m old.