Just a lvl 27 guy from 🇫🇮 Finland. Full-stack web developer and Scrum Master by trade, but more into server-side programming, networking, and sysadmin stuff.

During the summer, I love trekking, camping, and going on long hiking adventures. Also somewhat of an avgeek and a huge Lego fanatic.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • They can include runnable JavaScript too, which can cause vulnerabilities in certain contexts. One example from work some years back: We had a web app where users could upload files, and certain users could view files uploaded by others. They had the option to download the file or, if it was a file type that the browser could display (like an image or a PDF), the site would display it directly on the page.

    To prevent any XSS (scripts from user-provided files), we served all files with the CSP sandbox header, which prevents any scripts from running. However, at the time, that header broke some features of the video player on certain browsers (I think in Safari, at least), so we had to serve some file types without the header. Mistakenly, we also included image files in the exclusion, as everyone through image files couldn’t contain scripts. But the MIME type for SVG files is image/svg+xml… It was very embarrassing to have such a simple XSS vuln flagged in a security audit.

  • I don’t have an answer for you, but I can absolutely relate. Some people say something like “find a job you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” But for me, it doesn’t work that way. I like my job, have awesome coworkers, and always look forward to the next week. But obviously I’d still rather be doing things I enjoy more. You know, playing that latest video game, finally finishing the Lego set I bought three months ago, hanging out with friends, etc. Two days out of seven just isn’t enough time to do all that, which leads to anxiety about optimizing the little time I have.

    One thing that has helped me somewhat (and I know I’m very privileged to be able to do this) is taking every other Friday off. A two-day weekend versus a three-day weekend makes a huge difference for me. I’m actually considering switching to having every Friday off. But then ofc, there might be the dilemma of having the time to do the things I enjoy but not enough money for them :(

  • I had some old hardware lying around and decided to try building LFS (Linux from scratch) on it. For those unfamiliar, LFS is a “distro” where you compile every single package from source manually, with no package manager or anything. With my limited Linux experience it was really like diving directly into the deep end but the process was surprisingly easy and I learned so much by doing it.

    Once the base system was complete, I installed the bare minimum needed to get X, Xfce, and some basic applications running. I’m honestly amazed how little system resources are required to have a fully functional graphical environment for basic web browsing and whatnot. The system boots almost instantly on a decade old hardware and after boot sits at way below 500mb ram usage.

  • Aamukahvin aikana selaan Ylen etusivun läpi sekä paikallislehden uusimmat otsikot. Ylen sovellus on yllättävän hyvä ja toimiva, paikallislehden ei niinkään. Työpäivinä lounaalla tulee usein selailtua paperinen Hesari läpi, jos ei ole lounasseuraa. Aiemmin tuli iltapaskoja selattua pitkin päivää, mutta oon jo parin vuoden ajan pyrkinyt jättämään sen minimiin.

  • For those who have tried multiple apps, it would more helpful to others if you also mentioned WHY the certain app is your favorite. Is there some unique feature you really like or something else that sets it apart from all the others.

    Personally I’ve only used Voyager. It seems to have everything I need but I cannot really call it my favorite as I haven’t tried any others.

  • There would need to be a way to guarantee that only the browser could do this, or at least some way to tell exactly what the source was.

    I don’t think there’s a way to do that. Let’s say browsers implemented this. I could then just take a copy of Firefox source code and make my own version, which is exactly the same than normal FF except the fancy screenshot tool has been slightly modified to allow editing the page before taking the screenshot.

  • The website (Telegram in this case, but can be any website) adds a specifically crafted text to the clipboard and then tricks the user into pasting that text into the Windows Run dialog, which can be used to execute any command(s), basically like a command prompt.

    The text the attacker places in the clipboard is actually a command to download and execute an executable file from the internet, giving the attacker remote access to the system or whatever the payload happens to be.

    It’s a pretty clever trick. Perhaps MS should consider adding a warning before allowing pasting into the Run dialog or cmd for the first time. They already have this in the Edge browser console.