Ithorian [comrade/them]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2020


  • Here’s a bunch of books you can download. If you want to learn lore through a game Rogue Trader is great, same kind of RPG as Baulders Gate or Wrath of the Righteous.

    I’m not a huge Warhammer nerd but I’ve been playing/interacting with the lore since like 2000. Couldn’t possibly say the worst thing that’s ever happened. The Warhammer universe is tens of thousands of years of tragedy and carnage.

    The all guardsmen party is fucking fantastic. It’s actually the story of someone’s campaign in the Warhammer RPG. It should give you an ass ton of background lore, as well as an idea of how the game can work. It’s also probably the funniest thing you’ve read in a long time.

    Edit: Perhaps I am warhammer nerd.