Lol, there was a chat feature??
Lol, there was a chat feature??
Airbnb is a bane on our society and massive contributer to the housing shortage.
This company needs to get sued into oblivion with their shitty practices and non transparent charges.
That bozo didn’t even collect underpants!!
Oh no!!!
And she didn’t. And mostly men around america make it a massive political issue. I’m not condoning the length of time it took her to decide.
But I’m also not conding your response saying she had x amount of time, avoiding my inquiry about the ability to not be a good parent. What’s worse? A small amount of time for a fetus, or a lifetime when the kid boils to death in the car cause mommy wanted to go shopping?
Quit wishing misery on birthed children all in the name of a life. It doesn’t work that way.
If it was her body her choice, and she had education about it, or possibly free access to birth control, this might not have been a story. Sadly, it seems America is walking backwards with women’s reproductive rights.
I’m not going to get worked up about a woman aborting her fetus for whatever reason. Make all other options more attainable and then it’s a conversation to have, but not really. If I found out my wife would have a higher than average statistical chance of dying while giving birth, she could make her choice. My preference would be, let’s just try for another and hope it doesn’t put her life at more risk.
This isn’t the case here, but how about we throw pitchforks at the penis that impregnated this young woman? It does take 2.
What’s wrong with fish eating plastics we dump in the waters. Are they anti plastic or something???
Let’s be honest here.
How long do you think that child would last being parented by someone who wanted their child aborted so they could wear their jeans again.
Abortions should be easily available to any and all women, in every state.
I don’t agree with their decision making length, but if abortion wasnt such a fucking touchy subject, the woman probably would have done so as soon as she found out.
Her body, her choice.
Men and politics need to get the fuck out of the way.
Air&b is a plague on affordable rentals and housing.
Yeah, definitely isn’t going to be Twitter.
Musk is too stupid for that.
I’ve always just enjoyed having drinks with Lenny regardless of the social media apps I used. He is a pretty good guy, doesn’t judge much which is great for conversations.
Funny enough, while having a few duffs with Lenny, we got to discussing reddits recent changes to 3rd party APIs and we both agreed it was going to be a bad discision long term. So Lenny started talking about Lemmy, and said I should check it out. I did once my reddit 3rd party app didn’t work. So it was actually Lenny that converted me to Lemmy. He’s a swell guy.
It’s all in the name of research. 😂
Was going to reference your post.
Toyota spoofing.
Thanks. That eventually what I did. My brain seemed to ignore the option icon when clicking my username, and I was just looking below in the profile label and the settings label.
Hilarious that once I read a post about adult material, I seemed to somehow motivate myself until I figured it out. Confused if that’s a good quality or not. Lol
Thanks, I was trying to look for how to do it in settings.
Realized my mistake, and I should have been selecting the menu beside my actual profile name at the top. Then add a new account (after setting it up first directly on the other instance’s site) then adding that info to the new account.
Amazing how motivating some nsfw content can be. Lol
Using the connect app, how do I change my instance? It only seems to have 3 underneath it allows me to switch to, I can’t manually enter anything in the instance settings?
Holy shit, if people thought 5G causes cancer what will they think of 10G?