PCI/GPU Passthrough is amazing.
PCI/GPU Passthrough is amazing.
Whatever default explorer for the OS.
That and something like WizTree for a nice visual representation of used space, which helps in finding whatever is eating up your storage.
Having grown my hair down to my belly button over the last years…
The “hair dips into your toast” phase is annoying af.
Hair ties, hair clips, bobby pins, hats, etc.
A nice hat when you’re going outside on a windy day helps a lot imho.
Honestly, there’s a period when your hair is long enough to be annoying but not long enough to tie back and it’s, well, annoying.
Good news is when it reaches just about your chin, you’ll be able to tie it back when it annoys you and it’s much less fuss from that point on.
Once it’s even longer than that it will end on your chest and it’s not in the way as much.
Pre-emptively cut the forked ends now and then.
It seems counter productive to progress, but that’s still faster than breaking knots of tangled hair.
A random dude with long hair.
Edit: Oh and if you get yourself some hair ties, get those without the metal bit otherwise they break so much hair.
BRB, Resurrecting the aftermarket radio.
Between this bullshit and touchscreen-only controls, I’ve ruled out quite a few models.
Yes it’s running in my reverse proxy.
Nginx is doing my “client ssl verify” in front of my web services.
You can even do this on a per uri/location.
For example, my nextcloud is open without client certs so I can share files with people, but the admin settings path is protected by client ssl.
Some apps now have support for client certs (home-assistant ❤).
Nextcloud is one of the only apps that’s open without client ssl because it’d be highly inconvenient to share a file link with someone if I had to install a cert on their devices.
Plex app never works right for me so I just use the browser. My TV is too old to have old built-in so I have a VM in which I use a browser to watch plex.
NFTs: Block chain based money laundering.
But I guess BCBML didn’t sound as good.
For all the quirks, the engine does a really good job at environmental story stuff.
Killed a raider last week that got stuck bent over on a fence?
Yup, still there.
Send a dude on a supply run to another settlement? Hell yea, they’re actually walking all the way there.
I’d give people with specific jobs a uniform, kind of.
Meanwhile, most games despawn dead enemies while you’re still actively looking at them.
It’s not the best Fallout but it’s a good sandbox.
Yea my server is running 128GB of RAM, no way I’m making 256GB of swap.
Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.
But also sell your data.
I do client ssl verification.
Nobody but me or my household is supposed to access those anyway.
Any failure is a ban (I don’t remember how long for).
I also ban every IP not from my country, adjusting that sometimes if I travel internationally.
It’s much easier when you host stuff only for your devices (my case) and not for the larger public (like this lemmy instance).
I mean they can see your comments in those though
After the self induced constipation, they’ll need the poop knife for sure.
Honestly, a PC monitor and a separate device connected to it is probably much less bullshit.
Pihole is nice to have regardless of TVs.
Commercial displays are usually very overpriced, although if you can get a good deal that could be nice.
Not sure I’d “trust” any such menu.