Oh, he’s been wanting to start a war regardless. The only question is, who is he going after first - Panama, Denmark, or Canada?
He/They. Trying out some different instances. If you see this handle on another instance, it’s probably me, unless someone else also stole it from Campaign: Skyjacks.
Oh, he’s been wanting to start a war regardless. The only question is, who is he going after first - Panama, Denmark, or Canada?
Eventually, it will get bad enough that it matters regardless.
Especially in a country as heavily armed as the US.
Some Republicans have dismissed these angry constituents as “paid actors.”
shakes tiny fist
Just a sec, moving back to California before the deal is final.
It was a conspiracy theory popular in the 70s and 80s. Basically blaming gay people (who were the primary victims of AIDS in those days) for their own deaths by implying that they brought it on themselves through drug use.
Cat’s Cradle? You better believe that’s jail.
Can it be any worse than the Trump regime?
Good. I hope he spirals out quickly and with minimal damage to anyone but himself.
Probably hosting measles parties.
You reap what you sow.
I’m sad for all the workers who didn’t vote for Trump and have to deal with this shit, but I’m not sad for the ones who voted for him. They got what they asked for; they were just too dumb to realize they’d be impacted too
This isn’t the war, it’s just a battle. You escalate as you go.
First it’s a day. Then a week. Next time, longer. Eventually it’s a full on boycott.
We voted them in, didn’t we?
Canada didn’t fuck their goodwill with “most of us”, just dumbasses like you.
Seems like you’re the one crying about it. Oh boo hoo, those big mean Canadians.
Are you that fucking stupid that you don’t remember the President of the US levying tariffs against them and threatening to conquer them?
Seriously, fuck all the way off with this “they started it” shit. We started it. Trump and Elon started it.
Fuck off. Frankly, Canada is right to hate on the US.
This is the same shit Russia said about Ukraine when they invaded, isn’t it?
Oh please. What part of what’s happening now makes you think they give a damn what the rest of us think?
Because this is about what we expect from Republicans at this point. It feels like there’s no point in going on about how terrible the Republicans are anymore; everybody knows.
The Republicans are definitely the primary party to blame, but the Dems have to take some blame to for failing to do their job and fucking stop them.
It’s like if there’s an intruder in your house that robs you blind and shoots your partner, and the cops show up 8 hours later, take a report, and do literally nothing else, and act like you’re inconveniencing them the whole time. Sure, your primary problem is the burglar, but I’m guessing you won’t have a high opinion of the cops either.
Have sympathy for the wife. She didn’t vote for Trump.
Frankly, I hope she is freed quickly, and that she realizes how his actions led to her predicament and drops his ass like a bad habit as soon as she’s free.