My experience was Slackware in 1993. Some kid in another dorm was running it on his computer and he gave me an account on it. I’d dial into the University network and telnet to his server to mess around. I believe the kernel was 0.9x something.
Over the years I’d used Linux in various forms: built a router using Linux at a job, installed Slackware on my desktop at home using floppy disks, ran Redhat on most of our infrastructure (web, samba, ftp, sendmail, openvpn, …) at another job, run Arch Linux on my desktop at home along with Debian in my home lab.
I’m not sure if this qualifies, but I’ve been using this package: https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/nvidia-open/
I haven’t had any issues so far (Steam running Jedi Survivor & The Last of Us)
I play tennis wearing contacts and wear glasses the rest of the time. On the tennis court, glasses fog up too easily. Off the tennis court, my contacts are just not clear enough (and my up close vision with contacts sucks – yay progressive lenses).
Playstation 3 for The Last of Us
I’m here too. I haven’t seen any posts either. LibreWolf is good software… maybe nobody is having any issues with it. :)