It was a straight shot, why do we keep turning?
It was a straight shot, why do we keep turning?
I’ve done that on the support side too. Have to remember that they haven’t done it as many times as you, but it’s still frustrating. Brain wants to move on.
It’s unsettling to me that they’re only almost living in a white void.
It’s like if they were a physical location and trying to dictate what car you drive to get there. What business is it of theirs?
I visited to a few local antique stores and regretted it. I love a lot of their stuff, but the prices were crazy.
I’ve thought about this too. I think I would like woodworking, and I like to have a project.
Maybe I’ve been too harsh on Ikea then.
Real talk though, where do you all buy your furniture? I have a hard time finding shelves that land between between “affordable and flimsy” and “outrageously expensive and only for the 1%”
Social media even moreso than news, for younger audiences. Doom posts gets engagement.
Hey, does that mean we’re finally googleable? That’s pretty cool.
You’re 100% right. We shouldn’t have all our eggs in one basket.
Right? All of these big companies have to be using something. There’s no way that it’s just hordes of traumatized moderators.
Hopefully we’ll get it back once this nonsense gets resolved. Was it the most popular .World community? Are there any similar ones that might substitute?
Maybe the monster just turns back into clothes when the light’s on. You barely escaped.
And tell me that they both don’t spend their days moving furniture around and playing house.
I remember people reporting this around the time of the big migration to Lemmy.
Mine was also dental, so that checks out. My dream ended with a volcano for some reason.
A couple of times. This last time, I swore that I was conscious during the procedure and tried explaining it to the doctor when I woke up. I told him that I was sort of dreaming, and my brain was converting pain/pressure into stuff happening in the dream.
They didn’t seem to believe me, and honestly I don’t think I do either. I was really out of it when I woke up.
In my head, the notch in the bishop looks like his mouth is wide open