Sigh. Guess that means it’s time to start looking for a new platform. Not that Discord has been excellent in a while, but products always go to shit when they’re beholden to shareholders.
Sigh. Guess that means it’s time to start looking for a new platform. Not that Discord has been excellent in a while, but products always go to shit when they’re beholden to shareholders.
Damn, you did the legwork. Thank you for the added context!
They would actually be affected by these policies directly if they weren’t upper class, and I and other friends of theirs will absolutely be affected for a variety of reasons (public healthcare and anti-LGBTQ+ policies to name a few) and they still don’t seem to care. It feels like they’re so out of touch they don’t see the issue even though it will make a difference to the lives of the people around them. When you’re privileged, it can be difficult to see past the end of your own nose. (And I say that as someone with my own set of privileges.)
A friend of mine, who I consider quite progressive, has literally said similar things to your father. I think your post has actually shed some light on their behavior: they’re upper class (or their parents are). I was so confused after the 2024 election when they said everything would turn out all right in the end and it would all blow over, as if the changes the current regime is making haven’t set us back 50 years, as if people aren’t actively dying right now from Republican policies. Thank you for posting, I think it actually helped me understand why my friend said those things.
Thanks for posting, I just uninstalled it.
According to their website, they sell an SDK to business partners and allow end users to make donations.
I love Abigail’s work and watched her video on this subject at least 3 times, as well as sharing it with others. I highly recommend it as a companion piece to this article: https://youtu.be/v1eWIshUzr8
This article is blatantly transphobic.
What kind of people target the Internet Archive? I don’t have an X account so does anyone know what the hackers’ mission statement is?
Not to mention a testimony from a man he was dating in Toronto.
How topical Some More News’ latest video is. My heart goes out to the injured pedestrian and I hope she makes a good, quick recovery.
That doesn’t seem like a bad start to me, but I haven’t read it thoroughly. I also recommend checking out the official Android Studio beginner’s guide: https://developer.android.com/get-started/overview
Alternatively, you can use wrappers like Flutter, React Native, or the Ionic framework if you think you might want cross-platform or web capability later, though that adds a lot of overhead that isn’t always the best choice.
Fantastic article, thanks for sharing. I’m disappointed in the EFF’s stance here. I understand the reasoning but I don’t feel that such hateful, dangerous speech is a good candidate for this argument. (Hateful and dangerous as in actual deaths have occurred from this.)
Disclaimer: I also had a lot of fun with this game but I got it for free with a graphics card.
Part of it was getting rid of the old beloved characters. Shaundi, Pierce, etc. were well loved among fans and sorely missed when the game out. People found the new characters boring and generic, but I don’t know if that criticism survived past the release stage.
It also released with quite a few game breaking bugs which had to be ironed out. Par for the course with big budget games these days, frankly.
As a fan of SR3 and SR4, I missed the zaniness of those entries, but that wasn’t a common feeling among fans of SR2.
A lot of people hated it for how “woke” it apparently was by having… people of color in it? Commentary about racism and feminism or something? I don’t know, it’s been a while since I played so I can’t recall any instances in particular of it being “woke” enough to offend people who care about that. As a woke SJW myself, I felt it was pretty good on that front without being overbearing.
As much as I love the first Immortals for the characters and setting, it still felt very much like a typical Ubisoft game. I’m only mildly disappointed at this cancellation.
At a legitimate website, the developer(s) and publisher(s) make money for each key purchased and every key is legal to own, so there is little chance of a key being revoked and your account banned on your chosen storefront. At a grey market seller like G2A, they can sometimes get their keys illegally (credit card theft, stolen accounts, etc.). So because GMG, Fanatical, Humble, IndiaGala, etc. are all legitimate resellers, they buy their keys directly from the source (usually the publisher or storefront where they are redeemed, but that’s just my guess). Apologies if that’s not what you were asking.
Oh my God I’ve been wanting the shape builder forever! Thank you InkScape devs. 😭
Thanks for the correction on lease vs license; I didn’t really understand the difference.
The problem is that online storefronts all lease (edit: it’s actually license) you the games you own until your account is terminated. I miss actually owning media.
Thank you for sharing. This made my day, particularly the note at the end. 🙂