they’ve got some decent ones on there. I just started playing Shredder’s Revenge and am having a lot of fun. Into The Breach is fantastic. They also have GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas, not that those are exactly new games.
they’ve got some decent ones on there. I just started playing Shredder’s Revenge and am having a lot of fun. Into The Breach is fantastic. They also have GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas, not that those are exactly new games.
I agree. I think we elevated Computer Science’s importance early on in the industry, and that has stuck around. If you’re a University researcher trying to make a better compression algorithm or whatever, then yeah you’ve got a lot of overlap with mathematicians. But if you’re out in the industry building CRUD apps to fit some business use case, all that theory isn’t going to matter much in your day to day.
It’s still just one of those mostly-bureaucratic hurdles where you need a CS degree to get your first job, and you need to be good at math to get the CS degree.
That said, there are definitely crucial moments where regular projects can still hit scalability boundaries, and a solid understanding of math and CS fundamentals can get you through that. Every single developer doesn’t need to know that stuff, but it’s occasionally good to have access to somebody who does.
It doesn’t matter what browser you’re using. Everything Google was tracking here is the stuff all browsers send in incognito mode. This lawsuit was totally frivolous
I played Mass Effect as female Shepard because i heard the voice acting was better. Generally for RPGs I play as “myself” though.
Depending what you don’t like about math, it might or might not be an indicator. If you like problem solving and understanding why math works the way it works, but hate the rote repetition a lot of schools use to teach it, then you’ll fit right in. That’s how I was at that age. (Disclaimer: I’m old now. They’ve changed the way they teach math a few times I think. I’m not sure if my experience is directly comparable to kids in school these days)
Similarly, don’t look at schools that teach Computer Science and conflate that with what it’s like to be a developer. Most real dev work is totally different. CS fundamentals help at times, but aren’t as big of a deal as CS programs would have you believe. (Again, I think there’s a wider variety of educational options these days too. In my day you had to get a CS degree just to get a recruiter to talk to you, even though it was mostly inapplicable).
Why are you interested in learning lisp? Some hobby that requires it? A potential career? Tell us more about the career and maybe we can share knowledge about how mathematical it is.
Ohhh good call. I saw ads on Facebook saying it was on sale and didn’t realize it was on Epic not Steam. Yeah, screw Epic.
Should I get RoboCop: Rogue City or Star Trek: Resurgence now while they’re on sale or wait to see if they go lower?
It’ll probably be 3-6 months before I get around to playing either
Only 8? Those are rookie numbers
Also, there were some candidates who managed to get 95% and above — but would then just be absolutely awful during the interview — we would later discover that they were paying someone to complete the technical test on their behalf.
Yeah my company shot itself in the foot by replacing technical interviews with an online test and hiring a bunch of cheaters. After a while we started doing a zoom interview where we’d go over the code they supposedly wrote and ask them to explain it to us. Even that simple step made it obvious who had or hadn’t actually written the code they were talking about. I’m pretty sure a few candidates had somebody talking in one ear and/or typing to them on a separate screen.
That’s… why we want the labels?
Car manufacturers should get out of the dashboard design business. Just have an API standard for devices to control the car, and a USB port for users to plug in whichever device works best for them. You want a bunch of physical buttons? Cool, go down to AutoZone and buy a button panel that matches your needs. You want a big screen with carplay and a bunch of widgets? Mount your old iPad there.
The regulatory side would be the hard part. Devices would have to meet some safety standards and the car would have to refuse to drive unless an approved dashboard was connected, but it could be done.
Software receives update. INTERNET PANICS
Looks like lots of people’s year end bonuses were contingent on them releasing something related to AI by the end of the year.
JavaScript is a language that runs on a user’s computer, when they visit a web page. It is often used for dynamic functionality, ie when you click “like” on a comment… JavaScript running in your web browser will make a request to the server letting it know that you liked the post, then the server will respond with a total number of people who liked it or something.
But, the server needs to know how to authenticate which user liked the comment (so you can’t like it twice etc). There are various authentication mechanisms to do this, with their own trade-offs. Over all, there’s secret information that the browser and the server have to share with each other, and we don’t want that information being accessed by the wrong people.
There’s also a common problem with web apps called “cross site scripting”. Basically somebody might craft a cleverly formatted comment that exploits a bug in the web page and causes the attacker’s code to run. One trivial example might be if every time a person read a comment thread, the attackers code caused that person to “like” a request. A more serious exploit would be one that finds out that secret authentication information I mentioned and shares it with the attacker. They can then pose as the victim user and do anything they want as that person. This would be bad.
So, on to the different approaches and their tradeoffs.
Anyhow, one common solution here is to set very short expiration dates on those bearer tokens. That way if somebody steals it, they can’t use it for long.
Another strategy is to limit what each token can do. OP needs to make it so you can like a comment using one of those bearer tokens, but more dangerous actions like purchasing things, deleting content, etc, should be guarded by a more secure mechanism. Then the damage is mitigated if the bearer token leaks.
I just want a game where I get to name my character after myself and the voice-acted NPCs use AI to dub my name into their lines instead of awkwardly avoiding using names.
I think the problem is that unions are famous for fighting for equal pay across the board for the workers they represent regardless of individual competency or market demand. For this example they’ll give COBOL developers a raise to 120K and give web developers a pay cut to 120K.
Or best case scenario they give the COBOL developers a short-term raise to 150, then raises across the industry stagnate in coming years to offset the fact that employers feel like they’re overpaying for some people. But sure, a few years later the union can come in to look like a hero arguing for a fraction of the raise the web devs could have already gotten.
Nah, they’re going to “solve” it by paying web developers less, not paying cobol developers more
Only 20 tickets? Sounds pretty stable
This is one of the things I talk about when people ask what the difference is between junior and senior developers.
A lot of security is just box-checking. A lot of it is hypothetical and relies on attackers exploiting a chain of multiple bugs that they probably won’t ever find…. But you still gotta fix it.
There’s no point in being so proud of your code and dismissing security concerns because you’re arrogant enough to think it can’t happen to you. Just learn to fix it and move on with your life.
I tend to think people shit on Musk more than they should, but holy shit does it bug me when a CEO talks about engineering problems with such bravado.