The vaccine does not stop covid, it does not make you immune, it does not stop you from spreading covid and you will have to get another dose after about 3 months. And then there are possible adverse effects like myocarditis, especially for young men. All this should be considered.
There are other ways to strengthen your immune system. They should be considered too. Most people that have died due to covid have been severely ill, morbidly obese or very old. Eating healthy, getting enough exercise and making sure Vitamin D levels are sufficient will make covid much less dangerous. I much prefer that to constantly getting new boosters.
The good old “Think of the children” argument again… This is an attack on online privacy, again. I hate it.
It is the parents responsibility to keep their kids safe. We don’t ban knives either just because a child could accidentally get hurt by one. And apart from that the regulations are not even well thought out, they will not stop a determined teenager with a lot of time on their hands.