Nikon F. Not the most collectible film camera, but i’ve got the eye level prism, and it’s in flawless condition after a good CLA. Use it pretty regularly, it has half a roll of Ektar still left to shoot in it at the moment.
Nikon F. Not the most collectible film camera, but i’ve got the eye level prism, and it’s in flawless condition after a good CLA. Use it pretty regularly, it has half a roll of Ektar still left to shoot in it at the moment.
Glad to see Tröeg’s in that list! Their Perpetual IPA has been my favorite beer for years.
I found a way to use my old Nikon as a webcam using an HDMI capture card. Hooked it up to the camera’s mini HDMI port and wham! had a working webcam!
But after thirty minutes, it would always switch off the live view, so i was left with a camera feed of the menus. Turns out this is an import restriction so it can be imported as a “still camera” and not a “movie camera” for significantly less taxes.
Enter some wonderful soul who found a way to hack the firmware to allow live view to stay on continuously, so now it works great as a webcam!
For my simple needs (mortgage, 401k, couple different IRAs, and a managed investment account) it did great.
Can confirm. For the curious: wing mirrors should be set wider than you might think. You shouldn’t see any part of your car in each one, you should only see what’s in the lanes next to you. Someone walking behind your car should appear in one wing mirror, then your rear view, then the other wing mirror, and not in any two of them at the same time.
Still, I glance over my shoulder when changing lanes :)
Fair enough, apologies, didn’t mean to imply you were advocating for the viewpoint of others i have seen making similar statements, that we need to “do something about it”, which is generally rooted in white privilege and the belief that declining birth rates are leading to the collapse of civilization.
This is not the first time i’ve seen sentiments similar to this around here. Just know this is an extremely elitist and racist viewpoint, and is one of the core arguments in favor of eugenics.
There is an episode of Mind Field on youtube, it’s their halloween episode that explored the source of fear in humans. It had a campy feel to it but also contained a lot of good information.
The conclusion made in the video is that there are very few “universal fears”, things that cause fear in every human test subject regardless of race, culture, age, etc.
They were able to find one though: humans universally do not like the feeling of suffocation, specifically we are pretty sensitive to the ratio of oxygen and CO2 we are inhaling.
The brain interprets an increase in the CO2 concentration in the blood as “suffocation” and activates the fear response to try to protect us.
What have been dumping absolute metric fuck loads into the atmosphere in the past centuries? Countless amounts of CO2. And the concentration is only going up and up and up.
All of us are experiencing elevated amounts of CO2 in the blood, and all of us are universally feeling some level of the fear response because of it. Might explain what seems to be a lot of really bad decision making across all of society, people are scared, don’t know where it’s coming from, and are seeking anyone and anything that can help fix it immediately, whether or not it’s actually helping.
Fear is the mind killer.
Samurai Jack - The Scotsman
One of the best episodes of one of the best animated series of all time.
I’ve tried a few times to get into Diamond Age, and every time i lose interest within the first 50 pages. Is it worth another try?
The only Stephenson book I managed to “finish” was the first two thirds of Seveneves, totally lost interest in the last third of the book too.
…leaving over 87% of classic games legally inaccessible through any practical means
Sounds to me like 87% of classic games are now morally greenlit to be pirated and modded to work on modern systems. Fuck the publishers.
I’ll take the one whose “record” doesn’t include felony convictions.
Wow what a crazy glimpse into someone else’s life. So many questions about that guy…
For at least pro-choice voters, many are more concerned with the line being drawn by doctors, and not by politicians. So it’s less about where the line is being drawn and more about who, with the proper education, is doing the drawing.
Agreed. What a unique blend of extreme frustration and absolute awe at the designers of those puzzles.
What was that headline about Facebook employees bragging about customer conversations they were listening in on? hmmmm
Standard Definition porn, or Stable Diffusion porn? :)
aw I miss vine. amazing what could be done in seven seconds, out of the endless sea of stupidity we occasionally got absolute gold like the maracas guy, watermelone, and free shevacadoo…good times lol