He says that when you click on an affiliate link, a cookie gets stored on your browser that lasts for 30 days, saying that the source should get the commission for your purchase. Honey has a popup in checkout, even when there are no codes, with a big “Got It” button to close the popup. Clicking the Got It button replaces the old cookie with a Honey cookie, giving the commission from your purchase to them instead of your source.
That’s the weird thing about SV. There are no time constraints or missable items or events of any significance, but it FEELS like there are. Anecdotally, the disparity seems to happen to traditional “gamer” gamers vs casual “once in a while” gamers. I always see the latter taking their time and enjoying the little things about the game, but myself and my other friends that play games regularly tend to take it too seriously and worry about the time constraints far too much. Still a fantastic game, would recommend to people that like farming games.
It’s a critical health code violation to take the served food back into the kitchen, let alone serve it to another customer. Not that it DOESN’T happen, but it is unlikely.
It’s a bad angle of a large steak riding a skateboard from the game Skate 3. Lots of fun skater models in that game, there’s also a skeleton and Isaac from Dead Space.
Greed, the character from FMAB, has an interesting take on this concept. He extends the concept to call the idea of the heroes winning completely (i.e. they get their bodies back, defeat the bad guys, no one dies) to be a form of greed, and the idea of greed is independent of morality.
You could call this unhelpful broadening of the concept of greed, but I think it’s an interesting reframing of something people usually think of very negatively.
I kinda disagree with your DOOM statement. I assume you’re talking about the Carcass or the shield zombies. They may stop your momentum when you first encounter them, but the game (for me) is all about recognizing each enemy in a flash and quickly dispatching them. It’s not like the shield is super hard to bust for the zombies, just a few plasma rifle shots and they blow up the nearby zombies too. For the carcass, a quick blood punch will one-shot them. Once you’re able to recognize the enemies and their weaknesses at a glance, they become part of your momentum, instead of stopping it.
Entering for Tomb Raider Definitive Survivor Trilogy
I could hear Arin Hanson saying this in my head
microplastics are stored in the balls
yeah but like, theres a big tree in it, so that counteracts the buildings. kinda like if you eat a donut and then a salad, the salad calories cancel out the donut calories
The steak n shake in michigan that i work at is really pushing face-pay, and my boss said eventually we’ll be encouraged to clock in to work with our faces as well.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
The first 10 episodes are an above-average kids’ show, but after that, it becomes something closer to AtlA, with deep and rich characters and fascinating interpersonal conflict
god, that must be so traumatizing for that landlord. landlords have it so hard these days 🥺
idk man, helping out sir sisyphus’s cyst-susceptible sister is easier done than said
the Alzheimer’s Group community is dying. like if your grandson regularly sends you the same funny orange cat
and thats only one of the problems he mentions in the video