Hidetaka Miyazaki
Hidetaka Miyazaki
Pretty sure it’s more of a pricing issue.
That’s a mixed fraction in a foreign units System instead of a number. (Screw sizes are integers here) Edit: we also use 1 1/3 instead of 1-1/3 in germany, making your way of writing it down more difficult to read.
Ganz klar, er fühlt sich durch genudelt -> du bist sexist. :)
Pointers are great for optional references.
Ozeanien ist plausible als Afrika.
Dann selber machen und nicht anderen Fäden mit was-damit-ismus kapern.
“Aber der Muselmann” ist als Reaktion auf ein Anti-Nazi meme bedenklich. Niemand hat Gewalt Taten gegen Juden gelobt. Es kann mehr als ein schlechtes Ding geben.
Yes, but they are not gaming devices. They are meant to efficiently compute things. When used for that purpose they use little energy compared to other devices doing the same thing.
But this does not neccesarily mean the consumer pays more. Buying a current mavhine and having access to affordable software seems like a good deal.
Already the case in europe. There are fake motor noise loud speakers to make evs noticable.
Innerorts ist es ganz ohne Radwege auch rau (>100000)
But me and my dude is, sadly, correct too. Or my friend and I.
In German it is.
You should probably take a brief walk instead. Regular, actual brakes are important to reduce fatalities.
Math is more than just the set of all algebras.
You also can’t call something infinity. People call stuff names. It is just important that they define their terms well enough.
The games they Makro feature a message System which allows such messages. Namely Elden Ring, Dark Souls, Bloodborne