I dont know why that has you doing so much, I use port forwarding with proton vpn and all I did was press a button in the proton vpn app and it was on.
It was cool at first, but the issue is you lockpick things every 5 seconds and get almost nothing for it but the minigame takes way too long. Maybe if there were less things to lockpick and if there was something acctually worth it inside each time (and not just 1 in 100) then it might not be so bad
Every single time I go to watch a clip theres a ton of random partially naked people in the useless recomended section under the clip. I wish I could turn that off
He starts by saying he didnt know and “that’s not cool” but than changes his story and now it was totaly the plan all along. But on top of this, for years he would say all money they receive would be donated including things like twitch subscriptions and all that but now he says they used that money for their own costs. But wait there’s more! His familly also runs a golf tournament which was supposed to donate all the money they recive to his charity but that money is nowhere to be found.
And to top it all off, he keeps bringing up his dead mother to try to get sympathy. The Completionist is a COMPLETE scumbag and a consistent liar, you cant trust a word he says. Oh and he is threatening to sue the people that brought his clear fraud to light.
I think that covers it
Poor indie studio Epic games couldn’t possible afford to support Linux, they only make about 5.6 billion a year and have a mere ~3000 employees, leave the little guy alone!
Highways were outdated the moment they were invented. We already had better options. Cars were a mistake.
I don’t see adobe trying to stop people from making 911 memes in photoshop nor have they been sued over anything like that, I dont get why AI should be different. It’s just a tool.
Better give them a 10 million dollar fine to teach them a lesson!
Though even then, the sun would never go below the horizon, it would fly off in a stright line and disappear. Going below the horizon only works on a globe
Not only that, but also a wave of lawsuits will probably gurantee they go bankrupt.
There’s a few indie ceaser esq games on the way, Nova Roma and Citadelum. Its a good time to be a ceaser fan