I know right? The other day I was drinking a coke and wondering about side effects of weight loss drugs such as Ozempic, and it occurred to me that advertising could be a lot more creative and subtle.
I know right? The other day I was drinking a coke and wondering about side effects of weight loss drugs such as Ozempic, and it occurred to me that advertising could be a lot more creative and subtle.
It’s kinda weird and boring and the characters are quirky enough to be funny but also relatable in a vaguely nostalgic, innocence of mid teens kinda way. No one is good or bad and the climax is Napoleon dancing in front of the whole school so his friend wins the student council vote. And then everyone clapped.
It’s like the Big Lebowski, where the absurdity gets funnier with each watch. Definitely fun to rewatch with friends when you see the jokes coming.
Eat the food, Tina
Gotta get up to get down.
Jesus is coming…look busy!
Are you getting enough oxygen? flex
I need to twiddle some settings. I can’t get the exact behavior I want yet but I’d like to do pretty much what you are.
Mozilla has an official addon for it. Very easy.
Knowing storks, you don’t want to know. They’re not the best parents.
There are lots of reasons that one area of your company may make less money. It’s like how the NYC subway or post office technically don’t “make money” but the value they bring to the whole system is a net positive by enabling all the other companies to make way more.
And introduces others: “unexpected item in bagging area”
This is so true. By college, far more learning and work takes place independently. A professor will teach 3-4 hours per week. Definitely not enough to “explain everything”.
Some explaining, but mostly the job is teach students how to think critically, seek resources, manage time at short medium and long terms, express yourself orally and written, build endurance for boring things, and most importantly to read.
I can explain riding a bike all day. But that’s not how someone learns to ride.
You sound like the kids who don’t do their homework.
I’ve been waiting 30 years for industrial solutions but it is obvious that marketing and advertising to maintain the status quo of legacy companies is still a better roi.
This is a regulatory issue not a market failure.
Also I’m sure plastic recycling on a large scale is just around the corner. The plastic packaging on my plastic products keeps saying so. (/s)
A megacorporation by any other name still smells the same. And Nestle stinks.
From big bang, to medium rare, to heat death of the universe, how do you take your steak, sir?
Probably also includes counseling or psych treatment for depression and anxiety and suicidality related to this plus preventing doctors from using preferred names or pronouns while also closing resources that these kids could have turned to for community support. The cruelty is the point.
Sounds like neighbor problem, not a firework one