Both don’t work for me.
Both don’t work for me. loads for me
I say we poison the well. We create a subreddit called r/AIPoison. An automoderator will tell any user that requests it a randomly selected subreddit to post coherent plausible nonsense. Since there is no public record of which subreddit is being poisoned, this can’t be easily filtered out in training data.
That’s exactly how people in the US trade also!
How do I buy puts on this?
Defending private property is coercion for those who don’t own property.
The question is not “Is life fair?”, but rather “Should we pursue fairness?”
Liquid Oxygen? Wow I didn’t know it was that old.
This is sarcasm.
Automation could replace all services, and only property owners would remain.
I wonder how Public Figure law factors in to this.
disinfecting agent - I squish a bit of that inside the toilet bowl and just leave it there. It smells good, and it gets rid of the bacteria.
Is that Pine Sol?
Canon? I have one and it was supposedly the cheapest per page in the long run.
Doesn’t that assume that resources were at one point distributed fairly? If you have all the value, you can devalue everyone else.
My guess is this is being used to spout plausible sounding disinformation.
Well you can always use (version 5, which runs on your phone). It stops most ads.
How about we tax capital itself instead of income?
First off, if Satellites give us more Evel Knievel that’s a major win and we should launch more.
Secondly, they’re entirely right that too many satellites are a problem, they just missed the mark as to why. It’s space debris we should be worried about preventing future spacecraft.
Draw me a hamburger, just bun, patty, bun. No lettuce, condiments or toppings.