Sounds really good to me!
Sounds really good to me!
When they do come to it. I hope its the easily swappable like the ones in Nokia 3310. Otherwise its pointless imo.
You remember it as Windows 8. But Windows ME haunt me.
It’s true what you said, being newer than most other developed nations.
However at the back of my mind, whenever it says “made in china”, i don’t expect much quality or built to last.
While its no excuse for them to do this, I run my LG tv with no internet access for it. And I honestly prefer a “dumb” tv anyway.
I think you’re thinking of secret secret meetings.
I won’t be purchasing this new iPad Pro (even though I really love my oled screens). It’s too stunned by its ipadOS.
“Pro” has always been a marketing strategy for them and I feel that Apple products haven’t been tight for a long time.
I prefer to use my pocket wifi that uses sim card for data. Then I can share my data with my partner or/and friends.
I’m keen on what you suggested but I don’t quite car catch, how would recording an activity help with photo documentation?
I understand that some may view it as a status symbol, but in my opinion, iPhones are more practical than they may seem.
For me, the cost and specs of an Android device would need to be significantly better for me to consider switching from an iPhone. Additionally, iPhones tend to have a better resale value, which is a factor to consider.
While I won’t argue about the user-friendliness of Android versus iOS, personally I prefer to stick with iOS due to my familiarity with it and the lack of added benefits that switching to Android would bring.
In my line of work in the creative/visual industry, I find that using a Macbook Pro is more beneficial not just because of its specs, but also because of the widespread use of Macs in my industry. It helps streamline my workflow and ensures compatibility with others.
When it comes to purchasing a device, I prefer to have a seamless experience without needing to worry about updating drivers or adjusting settings. The ease of use and reliability of a Mac is important to me in order to focus on my work without unnecessary technical issues.
I tried using SimpleTabGroups and I didn’t understand how to use it. Perhaps i’m coming from using Safari instead. Regardless, firefox is a very good browser and i’m using it on my PC!
If its Google, it would already been cancelled
You can have her completely.
I mean, my fridge (hitachi) has a condensation problem and was giving the error code thingy. The guys came down and quoted 1k+ to bring it back and fix it. I’m like. Literally can get a new fridge! At this point really, what should I do?
Edit: it’s a 9 year old fridge
My dumb ass read figure as finger and went wtf? Just go to a hospital.
I’ve always thought they were slightly more expensive because they used LG/Samsung panels for their TV.
I avoided Samsung and it was a no brainer for me to get LG. My LG has been treating me well and doesn’t prompt me to get on the internet. And I got them for discounted prices as well, a 65”GX and 42?” C3.
I’m able to take a screenshot and translate this comment in the photos app in iOS.
Edit: I have no idea how good the translation is, but I’ve done it this way for things that needed translation.
Yeap its my mistake. Poor wording.
Yeap that’s my bad.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=araYz3X2Q5g&pp=ygUac2luZ3Bhc3MgZmFjZSB2ZXJpZmljYXRpb24%3D 40 seconds in.
Yeah I know
Exactly all 3!