Non developers on my team just keep Jira and Figma tabs open all day. I think they need beefier machines than I do to support that
Non developers on my team just keep Jira and Figma tabs open all day. I think they need beefier machines than I do to support that
I’m not an expert on this, but the fediverse is just a collection of things that can all communicate on a federated standard. It’s just like email, you can use whatever mail provider you want but you can email anyone else using email.
I guess your question is kind of like “are there other emails?” - and yeah, I guess there are other platforms where you can communicate and send messages, but they aren’t email.
Yeah, and even if they got one… they just like going up breast milk???
I came across a stack overflow recently about how to do something in a jasmine unit test. Someone gave a solution of “I just changed the test to xit(“…
and now there are no errors!”
This needs to be a movie, like how thy are making horror movies out of IP that isn’t under copyright any more
The first one lets you turn K on or off
Great, now I’ll have to add my own lead
Wow, so how are you supposed to install that on a computer to learn a language?
But for Spotify they are tracking how many times you played different songs. Not trying to defend them, but for a music service I’m pretty sure they need to track that kind of information regardless. Might as well tally it up and show your own data to you
If he would just get on board with vaccines and generally not be crazy, he might actually do some good here in other areas. Too bad we can’t have a non-crazed person do some of these things
I wasn’t aware cigarettes contained any plastic at all
Sounds like an episode of NCIS
He looks like if John Cena didn’t go to the gym
It would just get closed. They are strict about GitHub issues ONLY being for actual issues/bugs you find with that project. Anything else is either closed as not being an issue
There are several projects on GitHub I use that are sometimes hard to find answers for questions. They have closed the Discussions on their GitHub page, and if you ask a question by opening an issue they close it and say “go join our discord server”.
It’s frustrating. You can’t search online for any issues. When you join the discord server, you can search and find lots of questions, but there are very few answers.
Oh no, uninstall it! It automatically removes lungs as a peer dependency!
cd ~/me
npm install gills —save
I think you just have to open those sites and turn off notifications for them. I would hope there’s a more fine grained option somewhere to say “only when the tab ids open” but if there is, I don’t know about it.
I believe what you want might not be an individual setting, but just part of the currently selected theme.
You might actually want to check your monitor brightness and contrast settings. Find a test pattern and follow calibration instructions.